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Everything posted by kevinc

  1. Stock suits you wayyy more in my opinoin.Nice job mate.
  2. If you fart,sneeze,burp and hiccup at the same time...you explode
  3. A 5ft up ta' front! That's 4 inches taller then me. F**king hell.
  4. 6 ft here...are we counting any drop or just landing on pavement?
  5. 28 inches. Almost 6 pallets pallets.
  6. Looks like you were pissin over all that stuff. Mint riding but you should go bigger
  7. kevinc

    Kyle Livesey.

    Anyone know the song? Thanks.
  8. Yeah man..for sure grinding makes your life easier.I personally use rock pads.They are mint.
  9. kevinc

    Second Vid

    Here is mi new vid.Me riding all Nat.I have been riding for 4/5months and im now 12.Oh,I live in Canada so you won't know where any of the places are. Only have youtube link.Sorry.Vid is 6:23 and 90mb. Enjoy,CordyBoy
  10. Thank god for the helmet.. CordyBoy
  11. kevinc

    Sam Holmes

    Can you post the one you have?
  12. kevinc

    Me Toxsin

    Here is my beast toxsin... Spec:: Frame:toxsin 20.1 bars:echo stem:echo front brake:avid bb7 crank:echo freewheel:tryall(not in pic) chain:kmc rear brake:magura hs33 with rock pads brake booster:echo(not in pic) rims:echo front and rear tyre:maxxis creepy crawler
  13. Nice bike.The disc rotor is lushh.
  14. Me Toxsin 20.1 Edit:Crap.Sorry it turned out so small.CLick on it
  15. Well...I got into bike trials from doing moto trials. I saw some kids playing around on one and I asked if i could have a spin.Ever since then I've loved it. I know have a toxsin 20.1 short
  16. I'm in Canada...and i got it off www.thetrialsinshop.com. Many many places sell toxsin frames though.
  17. Well,my ideal would have to be my toxsint short 20.1. I like a lot because it's the perfect length for me[seeing that I'm only 12] and it rides very nice.Plus,it's never broke on me
  18. Hey gus, I noticed that a s**t load of people have Chris King hubs.What's so good about them.Convience me and I'm buying one Please help. Thanks, Kordy
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