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Everything posted by georgieporgie

  1. Ha ha Love this one... The guy inthe blue t-shirts face! Great pics Great riding
  2. 1) DB9 () 2) mercedes slr maclaren 3) 67 mustang (with stripes) 4) huge tour bus motor home thing, with just about everything awesome thats possible to fit in it. 5) lambo gallardo spider (yellow of course)
  3. George Barnard woodbridge suffolk koxx ksas + czar 14
  4. Yeah... Changed my name too "yahoo! beboask.com"
  5. Its real names! and suck on this! HA! HA!'er
  6. Nice pics! Some BIG stuff there (i have the same boxers as you )
  7. Indeed he is! But at the moment Sidehop is failing to provide my bike... now putting up more pics EDIT: Really really bad pics... lense was dirty + wrong settings
  8. LOL! Ryan is sponsered by monty ..... But Charles has an exessive parts dissorder! Have a few more pics of ryans garden ride I'll post up later Cheers
  9. Im gunna say stock... Looks better in vids + it makes the decision harder
  10. Yellow pads: heatsink combustion White pads: squeaky-clean pads
  11. That looks like a smaller Orange Full sus bike! Looks good + i Love the sheep/dinosaur frame would look into one of those
  12. Do you not mean 221 kamel ryan?
  13. thats really really sexy... nicest one ive seen.
  14. Cheers for the comments, I liked the first one to, came out pretty good
  15. Nah, just the same name. Should be as good as him in no time though... went from dropping a curb to dropping about 4 and half foot in about 2 hours Cheers keep em coming
  16. charles ,the guy on the dob is 16, ryans 13 and im 14... lukes 12 (onza t-vee) yeah.. theyre pretty small but im pretty huge (cant tell from the pic ) Cheers, keep them coming
  17. Yeah man!, Awesome video.! We need to ride again soon Will have to arrange it one weekend ! Seriously easy to watch that!
  18. A few pics from todays woodbridge ride Cheers, Comments are good.
  19. Love it.. soo much cleaner than the orignal Cant wait to ride it tommorow George
  20. Yeah.. Much better than on the monty! Good job
  21. yeah, Im feeling colchester or chelmsford but ipswich would be ok i spose ...
  22. Man, that was a great video.. so chilled. Your ridings good to watch And the tune was mint ! (Tell me what it is!)
  23. Pictures not working for me Edit: yeah man looks really good Would benefit from some black forks i think.
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