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Everything posted by georgieporgie

  1. Me, sam and gary are there for sure.. also adam is coming (curtis guy) Also it would be good if micheal could get another video.. the last one was mint
  2. With my iphone i had the same problem... Have you got a belkin router? Basicly you have to get the right code (can be trouble as theres about a million codes on the box) but with my belkin none of them worked. I ended up just buying a homehub.. If you have a diffrent kind of box, just go to settings, wifi settings, connect to wifi, and it should come up with the box. Pm me if you still have troubles.. they sent me a huge document when i called. Cheers
  3. Ribo's feel really nice. But the viz dont particularly seem great to me.. The new northwave look very nice also
  4. Am i the only one who finds downhill incredibly boring to watch?
  5. Pretty nuts, but not cool. This however. is. Cool.
  6. You driving sam? or coming in on the train? My number is 07597561068 if you can text me yours? Cheers
  7. I'll be there if sam is... but charles sold his bike.. so he wont be there.. george
  8. Yeah man, awesome video! Are you sponsered by hope now? or am i being stupid So much bigger than your previous vids George
  9. yeah, Biddle mentioned it was yours previously Cheers guys
  10. georgieporgie

    Neon Bow

    Yes! Looks so nice.. but get rid of the "bow" sticker if possible.. Humps are cool. Will have to ride soon George
  11. Yeah man, Really enjoyed that, some decent lines too.. You seem like the sort of rider who will improve very fast too. Keep it up man George Edit: Your from clacton..!. will have to ride when its not wet and cold and snowing
  12. Yeah, Its real nice... But ive only ridden it once snow + rain/extreme cold and getting dark at left half 3 has stoped me.. Im riding it tommorow rain or shine!!!
  13. Well yeah, it came to 7.9 when i added it all up... but realisticly i think its more like 8.5ish I dunno, ill find some scales and weigh it
  14. Yeah, That was great... really enjoyed it Good job
  15. Not much.. Will get exact weight soon
  16. Is it weird that i understood all of it?
  17. Aha ha, NO chance... Clive leeson is a god. When are you back? we need to ride
  18. Pretty much because i dont get on with much... although im stupid to have got rid of the gu.. i loved that But no. stock wasnt for me.
  19. Yeah, I think they came out pretty good
  20. Cheers for the comments guys Keep them coming! Cheers
  21. Woodbridge guys will probably be down depending on weather.
  22. Yeah, It looks abit more solid up close but yeah no doubt it will snap one day.. I just though F**k it i want a really light mod.. dont care if it brakes Keep the comments coming George
  23. Aha ... its ok, they both get a good riding
  24. I thought i'd take the advantage of the snow and get a few pics My new Rulong: Rulong 20" frame DD Tryall forxx Tryall nuc stem Tryall Rage bars Tryall bb Hope mono trials front and rear (bb7 on front in pic. new brake now) Dob front rim on neon hub Rear viz rim on neon hub creepy crawlers cane creek headset echo cranks zhi bash eno freewheel
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