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Everything posted by georgieporgie

  1. thats awesome and thats a nice bike you should have done somthing cool on that slide lol and you have learnt loads if you been riding since christamas ( im going to watch it again now lol )
  2. yes thats all true but apart from that the 06 one has good ish spec maggies ect....
  3. mine needed a new bb because of creeking they are sooo anoying onza seriously need to upgrade
  4. i was asking this same question lately i ended up going for the gu it was a good choice hasnt slipped up once so on that basis i would go for the gu but ive never ridden the czar so i wouldnt no what its like PORGIE
  5. i had a t-bird used it for 6 months ish then got a gu it was really good but the cranks broke on the first day (really not good) what do others think about the t-bird? good bike?
  6. i have an old t-bird with maggies they ride nice but i got my gu now did u use adapters or get them fitted its looks brill
  7. been there they only stock a few and i no theres quite a few small companys (mission, saracen ect) who arnt on there
  8. my cousin wants to start trials and needs bike he insists that its new hes quite short he wants decent stopping power i have some ideas but i need some more "experienced" veiws on reliability ect thnx PORGIE
  9. they all worked for me Have u fixed em? thats alota grass is the 3rd a t-vee with maggies?
  10. i spose i think ill go for the gu when it comes out ........ im waiting............
  11. i got muclemen after 4 days on my t - bird (rip) they still workin good onza should degrade some of the parts to put on better cranks or sell it for more with better cranks but if you do buy an onza get a t-pro stay clear of the birds!!!
  12. yer im kinda swung towards the echo because it looks like a ace frame with a lower price tag is this a mistake or should i save up more ?
  13. you i love the look off the gu typhoon and it looks pretty good for any style what about the czar? :$ and most pple say i should get the zoo , is it overated?
  14. a3 looks good for the same cash i could get the: zoo! python (£299) echo team (£299) czar 07 (£299) or the gu typhoon (£299) are any of these better? even the echo lite for even cheaper (£210)
  15. i have to say ive ridden the monty ones and it feels like your holding the bars and eventually they hurt a bit but its personall prefrence i suppose
  16. thts the thing mine kept coming loose and the left one slid down the axle there ok for about a week then they die , for me anyways
  17. well as it says i need a new frame (mod) got a budget of about 250 max and anything below all your recomendations would be a gr8 help as i am stuck choosing thnx
  18. i got nothing on my plate like exams atm so its about 1.5hrs a day i spose im lucky really
  19. yer i changed mine for armstrongs also lol t-bird cranks r the cheapest on tarty witch will persuade most pple and thats bad!
  20. painting my scrotum green add some eyes and a mouth give it arms and legs ....!!! walla !!!.... you have scrotum the frog ( anyone else done this ? )
  21. hey people just wonderin if anyone else has experienced problems with the t bird cranksets mine have stripped their threds and rounded off i would also never advise anyone to buy them they make me sick lol
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