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Everything posted by georgieporgie

  1. awesome vid huuuge sidehops, love your style ! (dont no if you remeber me from brentwood i ride with martin and charles (black gu) in woodbridge )
  2. looks well nice, nicer than the zip by far! ps. will maby see you on the norwich ride with this? (i was on the gu with blue bits and orange tarty tee)
  3. yea its all i got im going to get a lower one from some where but thx for comments
  4. your bikes are shit ........ i mean "the shit" sorry
  5. just got my new frame (for anyone who knows andy tomlinson its his old frame swapped for a gu) should be awesome at norwich next sunday soz about crapy quailty, daytime pics up tmoz . need new front tyre and tensioner lol all comments please! edit: daytime pics
  6. woodbridge boys will be up with a few bike changes (i got andys zenith frame (sorry jb dude)) and martins gettin a zoo norwich sounds legend !! MAKE THIS BIGGER THAN IPSWICH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. great ride i was on the gu 26" (1 out of 3 lol) i think i was the youngest? 13...... anyways must have another ride soon!
  8. updated pics hope you like (nitromorsed the frame not sure about doing the forks?)
  9. if worst comes to worst ill run my maggie and you can "borrow" my hope for the day but if anyone else can do it that would be better , or ill do a fork swap and lend you a maggie
  10. I no they seem to do it on there own If i lay it down and go inside i come out and theyre just begging to be photo'd but they are damn sexy so i no problem with that
  11. got new parts now looks pimp pics up tomorrow redone the sprayjob got a bit messy comments would still be good thanks George Edit: just found a pic of this beast lol (please feel free to call it sh** because it is/was)
  12. hey martin and me/us (the other woodbridge riders) will be there if it go's ahead should be good!
  13. me, martin and charles will come (we might forget to tell james ) (ps. were riding felixstowe today if anyones interested)
  14. im from woodbridge , do i no you i cant remember any bens though theres quite a few of us though
  15. errm no bb7s are good hopes are great..... and maggies are ok...... somtimes ... deadry Hopes rule! maggies suck! ps. your making enemys...... (mainly ash )
  16. thats mental (someone should try than on a trials bike )
  17. you did exactly what i did my, knee was 5 inches in diameter when i fell off 8 pallets with a straight leg. They said i may not be able to ride for 4-5 months but it took 2 weeks (slightly against doctors orders) They operated took all the fluid out fixed it all up spent a week on hospital and now its fine and im riding like normal! it took me a while to start even doing 1 foot drops but you get used to it.. so i hope the same thing will happen to you (if you no what i mean :$ ). Get well soon
  18. alot lot, nicer such an improvement Very nice for a first bike i wish everyone could have that standard bike to start on
  19. some more pics... enjoy all coments please! the gu with disk the t-pro group shot (older) group shot (newer) thanks
  20. i like that alot and theres no extra green ... yay very nice indeed and a bit nicer than a t-veeeeee
  21. the front wheel is going pro2 with echo rim and holy roller atm its a ronnie on shimano with a kenda kinetics (abit dodgey) thanks for the comments
  22. Ive used about 3 diffrent types i dont think it does make a diffrence. i use a clean bar hair spray and one loc on thing works fine with raffle grips no slippage!
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