alrite gary i think were going to stowe again on thursday with anday and ryan should be alrite were gunna get some filming done too and welcome back to the forum
yeh sat would be amaizing and everyone would be up for it like ..... andy ........... errm......... ahh who cares as long as hes there no, im sure gary me trasher martin and some other gays from woodbridge would come
You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summaryawesome will 100% deal with again , would rekomend Given By: georgieporgie You were the: Seller Date: 1202757368
Right as advertised in nmc there are two rides on the 9th and 10th (this weekend) the first is in felixstowe on the 9th (rocks people!!!!!) and the second in ipswich on the 10th it would be great to see as many people as possible turn upto either of the rides so thanks belhalf of dirtjumperjake and me please come if possible
its pretty much the same as the 221ti in wieght but ive tried one (actually 2) and they ride nasty but thats probaly from not being used to the +a million bb hieght but it looks a beast !
have to admit ive only just started natty propaly but i love it with a passion so many more ways to approach it than street and its much more of a workout more challanging and fun too but big group street rides rule too
You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summarywas great , good man Given By: georgieporgie You were the: Trader Date: 1202150614