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Everything posted by georgieporgie

  1. Ryan crisp has 2. James Butcher has one. Dave somthing from ebtc has one. And another kid at ebtc has one. So thats at least 5 that ive seen.
  2. I'm a saxophonist, played for 8 ish years and am grade 7 I also play drums (mapex vx) Guitar (fender telecaster still not sure on its age but its atleast 20) Bass (musicman stingray) I think Thats not bad for being 14
  3. Yeah, good photos but we need more!!!! Was a great day
  4. crazy editing skill's and the rider was pretty good also Mazing vid watch it!
  5. Some pretty controlled riding going down there And the quality was pretty amazing. Nice.
  6. Yeah, Nice pics Day was awesome fun. My first comp too
  7. That was cool. If they were brought into today they would almost be considered begginer riders with really good balance
  8. Me and charles are coming See you there
  9. Lush, Abit better than your other bikes Ride it good now!
  10. you have been ripped off....its a bmx. one mmore thing, eww
  11. I think he wants square taper. Echo forged square taper cranks are great and only £50
  12. The frame looks mint. But the specs not that great. probably around 250-300 if your lucky?
  13. Is ok. Never really liked them. But if i didnt no what that look liked allready, i couldnt see what it looked like atall. Get some better pictures EDIT: See your getting better pics, sorry.
  14. Hes only 12, got plenty of time to work on everything:P
  15. Nice one, he lives 10 mins away, and ive never ridden there, whats wrong with me
  16. It was ok... But the tarzan bit and the snake in the quicksand bit were just tacky
  17. "what the hell are you doing! *SLAP*"
  18. "I can do a double noogie!" or "Right, so i have to turn that glass over, "without" taking my hands off my head..... "
  19. I had a pretty embarassing moment at centerparks a few months ago. I was bored so i went out on the bmx to a speedbump neer the main pool complex, Loads of people all around. I was showing off a bit with all the 180s and x-ups and had my jeans reall low. So of course they fell right down and went into my back wheel, stoped me dead and i flew right over the bars. So i was stuck with trousers down, bmx on top of me infront of about 70 people. I just sat there for about a minute, but it felt like an hour. Bad times. But its just funny now!
  20. sketchy'est member? Member with most "trials" bikes? Edit: Member with most attempts to sell a pashley with a hole in it?
  21. There really nice cranks, and look really strong dont no where you read there lighter though, says there heavyer on tarty (only by a few grams though )
  22. georgieporgie


    Pretty good vid, looked fun ! (I had to pause it, im a failure ) Nice one
  23. Yeah, what i said kinda came out wrong, what i meant to say was "I hope he no's that bit" (writing is so hard damit!) I suppose ive been known to do it too
  24. I think he probably no's that bit... he managed with previous bikes Gary will no what to do, show him or have you got the bit that go's on the forks and the cone shaped ring that go's in the top?
  25. Having riden 2 diffrent a1s i think they are ok, One was really nice and one was the nastyest stock in the world. My GU is really nice and i think it looks better too (yes i have the 26") but not to great for a beginner Go for the a1 as it will make you a better rider faster
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