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Everything posted by Rubenio

  1. It are Original Monty Cranks , wich are on the bike since I bought it. Grtz. Rubenio
  2. I actully have the 127.5 Try-all wich is very, very long.
  3. Hey all, I'm having quite a big problem with my Monty 221 PR ( from the year 2005). The problem is ; The right crank hits the horizontal fork. First I ride with an FSA Platinum Pro ( 12 CM) and with 2 SPACERS. Because there was so much "flex" in the crank or something , the crank and frame hit eachother. After a while It was so worse now there's even 1/2 mm out of my frame. Wich I did not see very fast because I had an Old Innertube on the horizontal fork. So I bought myself a Try-All 127.5 BB, After I Installed the BB I saw the RIGHT crank was still very close to the frame(while the left crank had very much space on the other side). I thought : lets put a spacer on it! but it has no effect because there is total no movement on the "free cup" So what I had to do now??? Are there other riders on this forum with the same bike as I ?? Please Help Grtz. Rubenio
  4. Rubenio

    My Second Vid

    1/2 year intensive...
  5. Rubenio

    My Second Vid

    Hey, This is my second video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skNDaUAUdRc Grtz. Rubenio
  6. litlle weerd frame but if it works:)
  7. NICE BIKE! Hope you have fun with it
  8. Nice Vid Love the big gaps and drop-offs Rubenio
  9. where's bilstain? :$ Grtz. Rubenio
  10. Yow Stvn V. Nice vid! You reached a very high level for you age Maybe we could met sometime ? I'm form holland so thats not that far Grtz. Rubenio (x-style)
  11. Hey, I'm riding since 2 month's with the try-all 108.9. And I'm very happy with it! Grtz. Rubenio
  12. You're right , I had only the shimano chain so I used m for a while and next week I'm buying a new chain. KMC will do I think ; Could I also drop a 9 speed on it?, because I had buyed one extra last time. Greetz. Rubenio
  13. I'm not crazy about fluo but this is an nice bike! Rubenio
  14. I'm riding with a Shimano XT 8-Speed chain since a few weeks, still not broken
  15. Hey, Yes will try to relax more on my bike but I'm losing my control faster if I move slower and relaxer. But I will keep practising. True , I'm landing to much with "almost both wheels to the ground". I'm practising it but when I move a little to the rear by a drop I'm scared I will glide trough my rear-brake.But I'm still practising on it! Thanks, I'll watch my arms and legs next time , thanks for the hint Sorry , I had to weare a helmet for my safety!!! I have one but , I hate to weare him because: on hot days , my head is cooking. I will try to ride more relax and to use your hints in my next video. Constructive criticism = de best criticism to learn trials 1. True! 2. I'll try 3. Thanks , I'm happy about having the most of the basics because after the basics trialriding starts to be more funny! Everyone Thanks for the good comments and watching my vid! If somebody still has another hint , please post it. Grtz. Rubenio
  16. Hey, I've got this one since a year : Not expensive and perfect for trial. Greetz. Rubenio
  17. Hi, This is my video : My Video Could you please comment what can be done beter? Thanks for watching anyway! Greetz. Rubenio
  18. Hey, Front : Very hard, it's for me easier to control my bike. Back : As soft as possible , also for a beter control. But when I feel The rim "touch" the ground I pumped it a little. Grtz. Rubenio
  19. Here's the online "article" about his switch. Article Link Source : www.monty.es Rubenio
  20. I'm not Jordi Did I something wrong ? I can't understand the word regardless. Sorry If I did something wrong, I'ts quite hard to understand everything, I only want to post something new about my favorite trialbike brand an biker. Grtz. Rubenio
  21. I think about 500 Euro (so that would be around 400 pounds) / ( maybe i'm wrong but's my opinion , I thought : what should I give for it?) Anyway succes with selling your bike! Greetz. Rubenio
  22. Hi everyone, Kenny Belaey just finished his 5-day during promoting trip to Hong Kong. Here's a small impression : mms:// This is a link to a report of the chineese television about Kenny's visit. It's a video of Kenny when he's trialing (nice 360's, and pedalhop etc.) and an interview. Source where I get it from : www.monty.es Official Site: http://www.redbull.hk/trialbiking Enjoy! Rubenio
  23. Yes , I also just noticed I become a member. This pre-member and member system is new for me. Is it now I had only open new topics / give comments on topics in the "member space" Greetz. Rubenio
  24. Thanks for the reactions again!! I tried to side-hop to the right but when I tried it , it looks and feels more as a bikehop to the right But I stay practising so it's going to be ok. I have another small question wich is quite important (sorry it's a little bit off-topic, but it's not worth a new topic) - If there's a reaction on my topic or a topic wich I post something in, I get no email from an automatic moderator what says : There is a new reaction! I looked at the settings but , nothing changed. Maybe because of my misunderstanding of some english things, I already contact the moderators but no since a few weeks I don't get a reaction. Does somebody knows the solution for this? Greetz. Rubenio
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