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About pengsmelly

  • Birthday 10/13/1992

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    Shin Digs
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  1. Will only post riding vlogs in here for now. It should be much more regular content too. - Make sure your subscribed if you're not already! Tuesdays @ 12 New Video Fridays @ 10 New Podcast Sundays @ 11 WE RIDE! Come clown around and do stunts with us! - Follow facebook page for ride location updates. Latest vlog;
  2. Little late on the updates here; but after NICK was Mr. Smooth! - Catch the rest of videos/podcasts on our channel.
  3. This deserves it's own topic! Another gnarly video featuring the worlds best 20" rider?
  4. Latest Podcast is one I think the crew on here will like. We go back to the old school days and chat with Nick Goddard!
  5. This weeks episode is all about RADICAL BIKES!!! a 2 part special!
  6. Episode #14 is now live with James Sheridan is now live on Youtube and all Podcast platforms!
  7. The latest vlog is now out too!! - Captain Crash riding in London.
  8. Newest episode is LIVE on spotify! https://open.spotify.com/episode/6meK5dB3BTkVbt9IXdvTnj
  9. You can listen to Latest episode with Sam Wheeler on all major listening platforms!! https://open.spotify.com/episode/4unJS6KXMpwUXJFYGP89Nx
  10. I think you're spot on here Ben! I can relate to this so much! Wise words sir.
  11. Ha you just wish you could pull one off Hope to get the full video done in the next couple months.
  12. Well it's been quite a while since I made a video, and due to the crap weather I've not been able to get as much riding/filming done as I'd hoped, so today I threw a little Promo/teaser together with the clips that I did have. New range of clothing is due very soon!
  13. I think it's more to do with the people that previously ran and developed Onza, now don't have as much control over the brand and it's future so decided to go their own route? I could be very wrong, but why else would they put their designs into another brand?
  14. Looks like you guys went to some great riding spots! massive moves from both of you!
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