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grant wildman

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Everything posted by grant wildman

  1. Kenny 'Hans Rey' Belaey ? GT, ADIDAS , riding trials on a full sus ........
  2. I'd be smiling too if I landed a whip out of that bank. Some cool looking spots, where was most of the riding shot ? Also what bike was the third rider with the blue helmet riding ?
  3. Check out some of Levis commuter range they do , ive got a pair of the jeans and have to say im very happy with them http://eu.levi.com/en_GB/commuter Also Rapha , its very expensive but may give you an idea of what is already on the market of causal technical ware http://www.rapha.cc/ Hope these help . I ride a 7 mile commute each day , from my home town to central Milton Keynes , mainly through estates and red ways to avoid as much road as possible since my run in with a car . I ride a Genesis Day one disc with a flat bar .
  4. Exactly , which makes me wonder why compression outer brake cable is even made ?? Linear cables make much more sense .
  5. Then why do gears have barrel adjusters ? I under stand wear rate and the compression of cables needing adjustment , but I still think they do.
  6. What do you think barrel adjusters are for?
  7. I've always been a fan of the chameleon and have had 2007 (my personal favorite and best looking in my opinion) and a 2009 frames . I like it but, agree with monkeyseemonkeydo in that its quite generic looking now much like an XTC or similar . Maybe they are taking a new direction with the bike away from the rugged do it all hard tail, to a more XC market? With the new style drop outs I'm assuming you will be able to swap them for horizontal dropouts much like the systems DMR and Kona have run for years . Either way much better than a EBB.
  8. Yeah basically a new revised version of the 77. was the first drop bar lever hydraulic brake . Indeed they were shit, over sized and under powered, never got the point of them , maybe price point . They ran a different size master cylinder piston to the 33's and required to use a hs22/24 specific slave to accommodate the different push of fluid (if my memory serves me correctly ).
  9. Maguras and hydraulic brakes in general should be lower maintenance as cable stretch and get grotty . But people like to bleed maguras with water so the seals are no longer lubricated and causes issues and shortens the brakes lifespan.
  10. Off topic slightly , but they also make these RT8TT'S . Was working on some this week . showing my age but they also made a HS22 and HS24.
  11. I've been running a Vee brake on the rear for years . The most important part to powerful Vee brake is in the cables . Poor quality , knackered cables or poor cable routing will cause lots of friction on the cables making the lever feel spongey and lack power . Only recently using a grind on the rear , but even with cheap soft Vee pads (like the onza's or savage components) the power is great ! Im running Avid ultimate levers and Avid Mag (like an SD7) calliper .
  12. Yeah been looking for a railed saddle rather than a pivotal , just not found anything that costs under £100 yet :/ Will be running black Rhino lites with no grind , dont normally run one , but thought I would try it out as I was replacing these rims . Looking for a front red king hub to match . Yeah the pedals aren't pretty , but ive not found anything as grippy as of yet , might try the Shimano MX80 pedals . Thanks for the comment though Have fallen in love with this bike all over again .
  13. Got a few new bits for my leeson . New king rear hub , Trialtech high rise bars , XTR front brake . Thinking of getting some inspired forks too. Got a pair of new sun Rhino lite rims and DT Swiss 240 front hub to build up too . Hope you like
  14. My 609 , changed the spec now , but still think steel 24 bikes are the best looking trials bikes around , old and new . BOONs old curtis 24
  15. New bikes just dont look as good as these anymore , more steel frames on the market please. this is lovely, dont think ill ever sell my 609 !
  16. What is the lacing of that rear wheel ? Looks two cross ? if so , why ? Bike looks lovely though .
  17. Been a while trials forum

  18. cool video , didnt know how much history was there ! Bit of the pharcyde was cool too .
  19. just park at the far end of the bus lane at the bus station (skate park end ) Mr Hinson and i will be there from around 7, see if Dan will join too .
  20. Tapered steerer fork is a great idea for trials , surprised it had not been done sooner ! Bike looks great
  21. YEEEEEAAAAH ! thats the bike (and rider I might add) that made me get a 24 ! The kinda mint green is nice ! Remember you and a mono trials front brake though but all the other spec looks the same , tioga front rim and all! Gush over
  22. Front brake looks a little wonkie Beautiful frames though , bet your loving it !
  23. who wants to weld disc mounts to my leeson ??

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