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grant wildman

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grant wildman last won the day on January 5

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About grant wildman

  • Birthday 06/06/1986

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  • Real Name
    Grant Wildman
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Leeson 609
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    milton keynes

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Sorry for the bad picture, but here’s one of my ISO hubs with a cheap Superstar SS spacer kit fitted.
  2. Never had an issue with fitting single speed spacers to any of my king hubs… Most SS spacers don’t have a spines anymore either. Not to teach you to suck eggs, but use the widest base sprocket you can as the alloy freehub on king hubs is soft, it will dig in. steel freehub/drive shells are hard to come by. Torquingthe lock ring to 40nm should help reduce this.
  3. And just like that, the information I have been looking for appears. Thank you very much! Very helpful. I shall delve in a bit more. Next on the shopping list, Ti bb 😆 Thanks again. ☺️👍
  4. No, the hanger is not replaceable…🙃 It’s pretty sturdy though. Worst case, being steel it’s not too difficult to tac a replacement on. Some well paced stickers and a little touch up should tidy the frame enough, but I’d quite like to get the frame and fork colour matched… unsure of colour just yet. Appreciate the faith in my builds. I seem to do more trials builds than actually riding trials these days… I have most parts to build this now. Need to pick up some rims and a silver front hub. Will be a fun bike.
  5. Frame turned up this morning. Pretty battle scared but no dents or cracks. Really quite light, was surprised. Nice welds and feels solid. Some nice details on the frame also. Should be a fun build. I’ll do a build post when I find all the parts I need.
  6. That’s the one. All the parts on it looked trashed!
  7. The Ebay pics aren’t great. When it lands and Ive had a chance to clean it up, I’ll post some pictures 👍
  8. Hi all, Been a while since I’ve been on here! I trying to find out some information on a frame I have just bought. As the title says it’s a RESET frame. I remember these being listed on Tarty some 15(+) years ago now. I can’t find anything online. I have only ever seen one in real life and it’s hanging up in a bike shop near Bethnal Green. If anyone has any info, be greatly appreciated. When It turns up, I’ll post some pictures for those that are interested. Cheers, Grant
  9. Thanks dude Happy with the outcome on the anodising. The forks came to me as one of my friends was turfing out his garage and asked if anyone wanted any of it before it went on ebay. Very lucky find! Do see the odd complete bike on FB market place with a pair on, but normally painted or battered.
  10. I’ve mainly been carrying one of these: https://schwalbe.com/aerothan/en as a spare on my trail bike. I used it after suffering a damaged bead that wouldn’t seal. Rode round the peaks for a day on it (rear wheel) and even rode Cavedale decent with no issues. Have some 26inch ones fitted to a trails bike and have been good so far, but I dont get out on the trials as much as I’d like to these days. A new 24inch size is landing this side of Christmas also, so will be trying them in my Arcade. Anyone else tried these? https://schwalbe.com/aerothan/en
  11. Still need to fit the head badge and sort some frame graphics, but some bigger tyres and a saddle have been added.
  12. These something about a matching frame and fork,noice. Haven’t seen one of these in yellow before, original paint job? Making room for new projects?
  13. Your right, a TGS style bike running rim brakes really needs a grind, but some sticky pads on a smooth rim are fine for an old street basher like this bike (and its rider). All as long as its not wet out!
  14. I’ll only fit a Rear HS33 if I do, think It might look cleaner. But I’ve always preferred Vee’s over Maguras. The bar an stem fitted feel great, 90x15deg stem and 70mm rise bars. I think the Azonic combo would be too low, thanks though. Not going for replica/retro (despite the frame and most of the components being old) build with this bike. Just built it how I like with the parts I like. You know I’ve got a few retro bikes and while retro/replica builds looks great, they still ride like old bikes and are hard work, unless you are Ali C of course. So I want to ride this one. I think a Tan flight will be harder to find than the forks were! But I’m on the look out for something along those lines. Cheers
  15. Made a start on the build. Toying with brake set ups, but currently it’s set up with dual Avid ultimate vee’s. May swap the rear brake to an ‘04 HS33. Tyre choice is the next thing to sort. These 2.25 Ralph’s are great but a little narrow, so looking for something a little wider. Frame graphics I need to order and refit the head badge. Also waiting on a seat post as I’ll fit a proper saddle. Has turned out pretty light too. I’ll get it on the scales soon.
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