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Everything posted by mr_malcolm

  1. Portsmouth well just outside of. First things first i will need to locate and check my passport, I can do that this evening and get back to you tomorow?
  2. I could see the fun in this.
  3. As simple as it is. It works.
  4. Yeah i beleive i am. The first few fights i didnt particually like the new battle system but once you get going its alright, would prefere the FF7 style batle system though but this is ok. Looks wise it is very very good. Story is good and lots of cut scenes Maybe a few to many to be honest but they are nice and make it very moreish. i haven't sat down and played it for less then 2 hours at a time at the moment its just not to challenging until you get around 12-13 hours in.
  5. The problems quite obviouse. Windows.
  6. I think the thing with salvia as you said is 1 it isnt a party drug and 2 a lot of people dont know what to expect etc etc I have quite a few mates that are now quite scared of it and treat with respect.
  7. Woah man that sucks, a lot. Hope things get better / resolve them self for your sake.
  8. Has any one else got final fantasy 13 yet? So far i have walked through the first 12 hours of the game with out really any challange. Loving the game though it just seems to be fairly easy, admitidally I am quite a big fan of that style of game but still. From what I have read it gets harder from where I am I was just woundering if any one else has got further and is this true that it gets harder through disk 2?
  9. Page 4 on OTN im sorry but clear winner right there.
  10. 10'000 techniques, Hill top Hoods, Bliss N Eso, Urthboy, The Herd
  11. I had a few mates that played around with trials and i used to tag along with them on a very old t-pro ( for the older members here this is pre 2000 model nice and square ) never really got into at that point though. About a year later we decided to go out and have a play and it was from watching this forums very own Andy P that made me want to take up the sport. I couldnt get my head around how he was doing half the stuff but it looked fun. To be honest I still cant get my head around how to do half the stuff but i enjoy riding at walls and bunny hops so its all good.
  12. Bass Dont have any of me playing by myself but heres a video of our band you can sort of make out the bass I also do backing vocals.
  13. From what i understand some of it will go towards charitys etc but it will also go towards the public sector to save cuts there. It also a way to reclaim some of the money used to bail out the banks therefor going back into our goverment/help clear some of our debts. It should also help prevent a tax hike that has been talked about and it could also stop them from raising VAT as this may be going upto 18.5% in the next few years and very possibly upto around 20% as the vat to cut they intorduced lost them a lot more money then they were expecting.
  14. Granted but you have to take an anal shafting from a donkey each time. I wish i didnt have to pay rent.
  15. mr_malcolm


    This tinfoil idea sounds good i may have to try that on my other half she has a sense of humor so were all good on that front.
  16. Thank you, i did do a search but that was before that post was made. Didnt think to search again before i posted
  17. Basically i want to get back into riding and fancy a new frame to encourage riding. I want a seat and 26" wheels, the Switch looks about the right price and you can run a seat. If any one has ridden one or knows much about them please could you pass on your knowledge to me?
  18. Granted, but all your organs fail. I wish this thread didnt just get me moaned at for reading it in work time.
  19. Likewise, I feel their is more pressure on something good/memorable etc. So far it looks like im about to book a hot air baloon ride and a weekend away somewhere.
  20. mr_malcolm


    Each to their own we are all entilted to our opinions, From where i grew up the amount of 16/17 year olds with kids who have never worked a day in their life is pretty common. Infact most of the chavy girls in my year at school have all had kids already most of them shortly after finishing school. It just makes me sick to my back teeth that mineand your taxes go to them to house them and then pay for their child whos dad jumped ship straight away who also doesnt work therefore cant pay any child support. Yeah their the cases where sh*t happends as so to speak and i do feel for them. But when you get told by some one in the housing office "have a child and then you will be prioratised for a house" what sort of thing is that to say really? I just think a lot of things in this country are done backwards like the face people who work and pay tax etc get treated worse then those that dont by our goverment. When you see on the news or in the newspapers about those familys living on benfitis in houses bigger and more expensive then i will ever be able to afford makes me pretty angry. If you want to know why i have these views. Its mostly due to my family being classed as homeless for a few months bouncing from available sofas/floors/spare rooms in freinds in familys houses. We now currently live in my nans 3 bedroom house where there are currently 7 people living my family, my aunt and her son and my nan. We cant get council housing as me and my Dad both work therefore should be able to rent privatly. due to my mum having brain damage from a stroke and struggles to hold down a job we cant afford to rent anywhere as we cant afford the bills / deposit.
  21. Some one feel free to come along and correct me here, but i beleive this is whats known as arm pump. Basically if im correct its where the muscles in the arm expand and contract and when they stiffen up after a ride or even during a ride sometimes they trap some of the nerves to the hand witch in turn gives you the pain and or hard to move your fingers properly. I beleive this is what its called but its along those lines quite a common injury in most forms of mountain biking.
  22. mr_malcolm


    IMHO I think that like there is a legal age for sex there should be a legal age for having a child and I would say this should be around 20. As if you have a child under this age it should be put into foster care no ifs no buts. Or if you keep the child you have to be working after X amount of maternaty time to receive any form of bennifits, this would stop the children having children situation all accross the country. I went to have a check up a while ago with the miss's and theyre were 3 girls in there around 17 one of wich had 2 kids the others had one each and were probably around 2/3 years old complaining about their free flat and how little spare money they have from their benefits after they have paid for food etc etc to spend on going down town or going out. Yet not one of them mentioned getting a part time job or something they just talked about ways to get more benefits to spend on themselfs. Needless to say this annoyed me a lot as I work full time and pay rent so does my other half and then we get told we cant even claim for any form of financial help towards renting privatly and if we want to be on a council house ( not really but ) we have to join a massive long waiting list. One woman even said to us if you have a child you will be moved up the list. At that point i was close to telling her to jog on. Rant over
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