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Everything posted by mr_malcolm

  1. yeah what the guy is doing is wrong on so many levels and its disgusting. But really if the UN or NATO etc wanted him dead or caught it could be done, but do they want to spend the time and resources? Any way im staying out of that side of it all. All I have to say on the matter is all these people posting on facebook saving the world one like at a time. If you really want to make the world a better place try looking around your local community take a job in the care industry work with elderly people who no one cares about 75% of the time this includes their so called carers. The same is true for people with Learning disabilities although they do have it better as over the years people have stood up for them and stopped looking them away in "hospitals" that are really big prisons on the inside near enough. So if you want to make a difference to peoples lives try looking around and getting volunteer work or take a change of career, yeah the moneys terrible the hours aren't much better but and you wont look like a cool activist to your friends on the internet, but you will actually be making a difference as i highly doubt im ever going to meet the guy walking down the street.
  2. mr_malcolm

    R/c Cars

    ebays pretty good for fast chargers, i just picked one up for £13 900Ma output so takes about 3 hours for a 3600
  3. Im a Portsmouth fan kind of comes from growing up there really such a shame to see the club fall to pieces I hate the guy but I love seeing Ronaldo play when he's not practising his amateur dramatics. You also cant beat terrace humour one of my best moments was watching my local team Havant and Waterlooville take the lead twice at anfield it was brilliant to see such a small team put pressure on a top 10 premiership side and forcing them to bring a few big names to stay safe.
  4. Anyone going to be purchasing home front when it's released? Been following it a bit and looks like it could be pretty good I want a decent fps with a good story to grip me all others seem to be online as there first priority. On another note bought dragon age origins the other day best £10 I have ever spent already played 10 hours and loving it
  5. if you google not paying / not wanting a tv license there are some interesting pages about, i looked ages ago when thinking of moving out. One of them is a guy who watches tv and doesn't pay a license due to something the bbc done cant remember what exactly but its basically them breaking their own rules of the tv license fee arrangement. its quite interesting you should see if you can find it, from what i gather a few people have done it and they don't like it at all.
  6. Im not from anywhere near leads but perhaps putting in the topic title you are looking for places to ride near leeds might help a bit more. Remember being as descriptive as possible in the topic title helps a lot. Also Repeating / quoting what your OP said doesnt really help.
  7. Your mum was a bit of a bitch to me, but hey thats what you get for not paying up i guess. Im sorry it was there for it.
  8. Bmx-forum is going to fall to peices now you know this. Go home / Welcome back.
  9. +1 on this being the problem, Had this on the bandit one day some one twisted it and i was like WTF for ages before i realised it was that simple.
  10. Senior members once touched me inappropriately, they told me this was one of their perks. I still haunts me to this very day.
  11. Right I have been looking for a long travel XC / all mountain machine and I have been drawn towards one of these as they are a pretty nice price for the spec. My main issue though is that I have to buy it from halfords, having spent the best part of 3 years working at 2 LBS I have a strong feeling towards the way bikes leave there. I plan to give it a full service before I use it. Just woundering if any one owns one or has had a proper play on one to give me some advice? I know they are a tad on the heavy side but I have never been a weight weenie. I have a hard tail play machine this isj ust for an all round fun bike.
  12. I dont think I have posted in here yet. Currently looking for an all mountain / XC rig. Ideally looking for 2 rings upfront and between 4 - 6 inches of travel. Any ideas of what to look at? This is my current ride although this picture is very old quite a few parts have been changed since them including wheels, brakes, saddle gips pedals etc. Il try and post a more recent picture soon.
  13. I thought the lighting looked off aswell.
  14. Its mostly to try and help prevent people getting through to the main forum who TyPe Lke DiZ and post spam/ try and scam members out of money in the For sale section. Your post looks good just post a few more like that and you will be through in no time. Its a lot easier now when I joined it took me months to get through to full members. +1 vote from me.
  15. Have to say im quite liking the armour abalities like the holigram and jetpack.
  16. God how I hate being at work wish I was at home giving this a proper go. Only an hour left though.
  17. Personally I would say make a push for it. My GF was my best mate for about 3-4 years before we got together and now its going great, possibly the best descision we ever made.
  18. Well this is a thread for Halo Reach any one got it yet? I bought mine last night on a 1am food trip to Asda. Played it online for a little bit last night and really enjoyed it, there seems to be a fair few improvments over the last one but I havent played it enough yet to comment on many of them. The new button layout took a little bit of getting used to as I can't be bothered to change it to the old ones just yet.
  19. I tend to ride about 40 mins to a train station from where I live on a trials bike you get over it pretty quickly and learn to deal with it.
  20. Welcome to the forum, you already know Andy so im sure he will awnser any questions you have. Im from Denmead I dont really ride any more but on the odd occassion I wounder up to waterloovile and down to the Portsmouth rides. Im quite recognisable Big hair and ride an oldish Giant team trials frame or my STP.
  21. Possibly about to start working as a care worker for young adults with learning disabilities. For now I work 9-6 at a desk awnsering phones and doing lots of fun mail and web order stuff
  22. He is the Spelling Bee afterall.
  23. I stoped playing this game for ages due to getting bored of it so decided I would give the campaign another shot as I onlt played online blitzed through it. Whats the new map pack like? worth it? Im not sure as I play battlefeild a fair bit and not sure if its worth spending more money on this game?
  24. I have always found they just keep me awake for longer in the evenings and also i do find they make me more alert if I have one at work but I barley drink them whilst doing sport.
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