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Everything posted by mr_malcolm

  1. 661 veggie's ive used the knees and shin pads for years I love them, they can get a bit warm but they offer nice support and good impact protection, plus they fit nicely under most jeans, skinnys obviously not.
  2. that guys inspirational. I followed his story through the chive
  3. Anzo it was on the bbc news ages ago. I know a lot of them hold little truth and in all fairness the people who seem to preach religion around where I love are mostly christian.
  4. my only issue is how it can be one rule for one religion and different for others. For example the cases that have been reported many a time of not being aloud to wear a cross on display in work places etc but then to be aloud to wear a full burka? For me that is the main issue. I had muslim friends in collage who actually felt singled out by those sort of stupid rules etc put into place in certain environments. Im not going to lie I do always crack a smile when I see muslims taking group photos with the Burka on.
  5. still cheaper then a powerful car i would imagine. i pay £200 a year for a 600 bandit when i first got it i was paying 450.
  6. but thats the thing though they do the test on a 600 and can go out and get a busa. I feel what ever you pass a direct access on is what you should be limited to so for example you do it on a 6 you can only ride a 6 for 2 years. I just think its so dangerous letting people take they're test and get something way to powerful for them. You wouldn't even think about jumping in a super sports car for your first car because you know the power will probably kill you.
  7. I dont really see the point in all these changes in the motorcycle test and limits like 125 till your 19 then re test for bigger. I really do not get it. If anything they should do away with direct access, I dont care how many years some one may of been on the road to allow them access straight away to a bike with a small - family car sized engine in it is asking for trouble. I feel every one should be limited on power / engine size for the first two years. I feel 47bhp as they are saying is about right if not to much. I personally think after passing your test it should be an engine restriction for 1 year no matter what age of 125 to stop bikes being restricted on paper work only. then it should be 400cc for a year if you want then onto what ever you want. Obviously if you wanted a 125 for 2 years thats fine I learned a hell of a lot on my little rs 125 it had more then enough power for me and im 6"1 17stone. I also feel they're should be more awareness in driving lessons / test's perhaps a day on a moped in traffic to make people realise how venerable bikes are. Also how about restricting car drivers? I feel particular for a 17 year old they should not be aloud anything more then a 1 litre, I also feel it should be illegal to put in a big sound system until they have had at least a year on the road. How much do you really know is going on around you when you cant even hear the person sitting next to you? Rant over back to my icy freezing cold winter mornings on a motor bike god I hate it.
  8. played today and it didnt go to well, think I may stick to tigerwoods on xbox lol. It was fun had a few good holes but I hate teeing of the matts in winter.
  9. I don't see it as a sport personally I see it as more of a game, in some sense it also saves nice areas of land from becoming housing estates etc. I hate the dress code so only tend to play on course's that don't mind you wearing jeans an t-shirt. And yes it is a good way to avoid the wife / other half for a few hours here and there. As my Girlfriends Dad puts it when he plays, golf is a way to ruin a perfectly enjoyable walk.
  10. I lost all interest in COD after MW2 its a bit of a rip off really your paying like £40-£50 plus what £5 a time for dlc maps so about 60-70 a year for what is in all intense and purposes the same game each year with a bit of a face lift. I wanted to hear children saying "Mum I don't want dinner yet" or hear them screaming abuse at people I would go stand in my local town centre it costs less and far more entertaining.
  11. as the title says any one else here play golf? or am i old before my time? Started playing about 6 months ago and im really enjoying it, im no tiger woods but on a good day I can hit the ball on a regular basis.
  12. every one has pretty interesting jobs, i work in care for autism. Pays crap, hours are crap but we do get to do some cool stuff and get paid for it but it does not out weigh the crap we deal with on a day to day basis.
  13. sports direct or tkmaxx both good for cheap jeans
  14. two fish in a tank one says to the other you man the guns ill drive. whats white and blue, lives in a tree and will kill you if it falls on you? Fridge in a denim jacket.
  15. awsome man lets hope you enjoy it and get stuck into the sport. even if you find its not for you the chit chat part of this forum is always worth staying for.
  16. if they're willing to do it then you may have to do it outside of ebay like via pay pal but make sure you mark it as payment for goods so as to protect yourself. Couriers for bikes aren't normally very cheap you'll be looking at between £20 - £30 im sure if you arrange it and pay for it then no one will have an issue with doing it. Have a look on here as well in the for sale section lots of decent bikes around and you may get something slightly better. As has been said things to look for include magura hydraulic rim breaks or disk brakes, V's work fine providing you know how to set one up perfectly and keep it adjusted. look for something with a 19" rear wheel i do believe most mods of all levels come with these near enough, keep an eye out for Onza T-pro's they're generally an ideal bike to start out on as they aren't to expensive, pretty reliable and easily upgradable.
  17. If your a mountain biker i might suggest starting on a 26 as you will feel more at home in it to start with and if you avoid a front freewheel and look for something with a hope pro2 rear hub as maintenance etc will be what your used to. Each to their own but when i used to ride i started on a 20" (mod) a t-pro 04 or 05 i think it was and i could never really get comfy on it, i then switched to a 26" ( stock) but an older model a giant team trials with a more mountain bike geometry instead of having a high bottom bracket and I found this helped boost my confidence and comfort 10 fold. Although i no longer ride I would recommend trying to find some riders in your area that you could speak with and see if any will let you have a little try on their bikes as there are so many makes and models all with their own geo so you need to find something that feels right. At first it can feel like everything is really un natural and takes forever to learn but over time things just click into place and you don't even realise how much you have learned.
  18. that is the only problem with buying a bigger bike with a restrictor second hand, insurance will generally be more as most of them aren't that hard to take out. You will find bike insurance comes down much quicker then car insurance aswell. Or at least thats what i found.
  19. to me the xbox controller also feels a lot nicer then the ps3.
  20. mr_malcolm


    yeah it was stupid. And damn i felt sorry for roman grogion (sp) would of been nice to see him hound alonso down. coldnt help but smile at vettels car giving up though
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