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Everything posted by jandamna

  1. Sorry, new members opinions don't count, lol And why not just pick up a very cheap mod from ebay? You'll get one for about £100-150 easily.
  2. Wow, dont go all pre-member on me..
  3. Yay I think i might just cut off my top tube, so that my bike weighs less
  4. There have been millions of topics about this, just use the search.... And it would be pointless because you would have to wait for them both to engage, and then you have twice the chance of them skipping..
  5. Wow, your really NEVER going to get validated...
  6. Hehe, the warranty claim is possibly the worst claim ever, it sounds like its written by a spoilt 10 year old...
  7. I can manual until i run out of speed on my mod, But on my MTB i can manual forever Stopieing on my mod, is just plain hard, but on my MTB i dont have a front break
  8. Well, if you have 20" or below wheels, your bike classes as a childs bike, so your legally aloud to ride on the pavements, and also if you are 16 or under you are legally aloud to ride on the pavements
  9. Make a new account Dont post topics like this Read the rules Follow the rules
  10. Lol,firstly no!, and second your not going to get £300 for that, lol o yeah and no selling in nmc
  11. Lol for your first post, you break the rules
  12. CRC wheels section confuses me too much, as it gives you soo many options
  13. I know ill probably get stabbed for this, but whats wrong with Shimano hubs??
  14. Not for trials, but for dirt jumping, im going from 26" down to 24", anyone got any suggestions/links for a nice pair of 24" complete wheels? Thanks, /Jan
  15. oh my god. not the number 23 its the movie all over again! haha /jan
  16. o goody, im 20% gay...lol
  17. LOL have you not red any of the replys? ....
  18. Say bye bye to your chances of validation!
  19. Well believe it or not, ive had my DMR v12 mags, for near 3 years now, and ive still not lost a single pin. Although they are the old style ones, not the new ones, apparently the new ones are like cheese
  20. Atleast think of a better story then that, lol and why would your brother stay posting on your account for over 2 hours? haha xD Jan
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