Right, so yesterday i was out biking at county hall... I had my camera with me at the time, and i just left it in its case, with a mini-tripod by the pile of bags near to where "everyone" were talking. So slowly everyone went home, as you do, and then it was just my camera left on the floor. So i carried on biking, and completly forgot about it, while i went to farmfoods to get a drink. We get back, and realise my camera is gone. Right, heres the bit i need advice on. There are 2 possibilities, 1. The county hall security gaurd, saw my camera and took it inside for safe keeping 2. Some dirty gypo chav stole my camera So yeah, i know its pretty likely to be number 2, but how do i go about explaining to my mum, that the £200 camera she bought me last christmas has been stolen? Should i just tell her tomorow, after checking with the security gaurds at county hall? Or should i wait till she finds out? Which will probably be christmas day, when she asks me to take photos of the presents, and the tree? Yeah...discuss please? /Jan