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Everything posted by jandamna

  1. hmm.. Seems "24" queries" threads are the new "get me validated attempt" threads... fun
  2. really nice, but £875 or whatever for a frame is stupid -.-
  3. lol, zoomed in and found this?
  4. What about that chicken farming, but its not horrible farming, it was the second option on the program last night, the mass production, but they have toys to play with and perches to sit on, so that they are no quite free ranged, but they arnt horribly farmed.
  5. Yeah someone posted a picture of it about 2 weeks ago... And although it was extreme, reposts are NO FUN.
  6. www.chainreactioncycles.co.uk and then go to chains and then go to the £9 (or something like that) half link chain I bought it the other day, and its the best chain ive had in 3 years.
  7. Well I'm at sixth form so i guess i'll count that as school I guess you calling me a kid make you feel big? It seems that you are the one who needs to grow up. And with twatish replys like yours, you have no chance of validation. Gl with that. /Jan
  8. So just say for a minute, he never sent the vee break parts? he ends up with a free chris king headset??
  9. Your an idiot. There was just no need for that, atleast he trys, unlike you.
  10. Yeah you do need a mech hanger, and you just need allan keys, but watch out cause the bigger bolt tends to round (I just rounded my second bolt the other day, so i got fed up and bought half link chain )
  11. I dont think so, but my mum might have put insurance on it when she gave it to me as a gift
  12. Thanks for bumping a month old thread lol
  13. Thanks for the quick replys guys, I'll check with the security gaurds and police station tomorrow, and if that doesn't work ill have to own up But keep the replys coming
  14. Right, so yesterday i was out biking at county hall... I had my camera with me at the time, and i just left it in its case, with a mini-tripod by the pile of bags near to where "everyone" were talking. So slowly everyone went home, as you do, and then it was just my camera left on the floor. So i carried on biking, and completly forgot about it, while i went to farmfoods to get a drink. We get back, and realise my camera is gone. Right, heres the bit i need advice on. There are 2 possibilities, 1. The county hall security gaurd, saw my camera and took it inside for safe keeping 2. Some dirty gypo chav stole my camera So yeah, i know its pretty likely to be number 2, but how do i go about explaining to my mum, that the £200 camera she bought me last christmas has been stolen? Should i just tell her tomorow, after checking with the security gaurds at county hall? Or should i wait till she finds out? Which will probably be christmas day, when she asks me to take photos of the presents, and the tree? Yeah...discuss please? /Jan
  15. So basically, what your saying : Trials wheels are strong, but pram wheels are strong enough for trials? (LOL) Aluminium cracks, everytime you bunnyhop? (Lmao) and children cant ride mods? (Rofl) Good luck with that.
  16. Swap 2 and 3 around, and thats how i would do it
  17. If you change bradford, to bedford, and trials session to dirt jam, ill be there.
  18. *Claps* And personally, id go with a monty front rim As there stupid light, and well lets not talk about strength But yeah, although thats not a choice, go for monty.
  19. And for those 70$ you could go onto ebay, or look around here for a very cheap trials bike. lol. Instead of spending $70 on a childs frame with pram wheels on it.
  20. Carm down, he's only tailwhipping a 19set with shorts and a helmet on
  21. WOW You deserve to be validated, your one of the first new members ive seen that actually thinks about what their writing!
  22. Your quite cool. Altho, with replys like that, Good luck getting validated.
  23. Said it once, and ill say it again, You shall never be validated. Atleast put a tiny bit of effort into your post. Geez.
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