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Everything posted by jandamna

  1. yeah also check www.wiggle.co.uk
  2. Some of the tarty bike's ones look quite good, do you ride mod or stock? What ever you do dont buy the origonal dmr chain tensioner, the bolts on it have rounded off, just the first time i put them on! i havent over tightened them, this has happened to 3 of my other mates who also bought it! so just some advice dont buy the orig dmr chain tensioner
  3. meh i still cant get the lacing, 1 of my mates is helpin me, but thanks alot for helpin me guys ^.^
  4. ok ty, the way i laced them was over over under thats prob why lol
  5. i think i did, and how do i check the tension?
  6. right so i started mod'in a few weeks ago bla bla bla etc etc so i thought, ok i'am going to try to build my own wheel, i ordered echo rim off tartybikes, and also onza hub, and i asked them to get the right sized spokes for me, so i did the wheel perfect 1st go *goo me* but half the spokes are too long and are sticking out atleast 1cm out of my rim?? what can i do, i dont really wana take apart it all again
  7. i been biking for 4 and a half-ish years but 4 of them was dirt jumps
  8. yeah foam grips and that are all good, but to be honest the best way is to ignore the pain, ive been biking for a few years now and my hands dont look too nice, but theres no pain cause there just completly numb most the time ^.^ (cant be good lol)
  9. i always thought it was all to do with the contact points (or whatever the clicky sound is called!) prob just me being silly person
  10. nice, lol i would post mine but its in peices on the floor while im building it up, still waiting for my onza hub with echo rim to come in the post
  11. Right so ive been mountain biking for a couple years now, but only recently have gone to trials, but about 6 months ago one of my friends got a prity nice bike (not guna mension names cause he reads these forums), yeah so then after about a month, he starts doing ok'ish stuff like 180's and things, and since then he just starts always nagging at me how much better his bike is, and how im a s*** biker and hes so much better, i mean what can you do about it lol it just gets on my nerves, so do u guys think that i should befriend people like this or just completly blank him? lol opionions welcome
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