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Everything posted by jandamna

  1. i have middleburn rs7 pro trials, and believe it or not... i have rounded the drive side, ffs i' am so annoyed thats going to cost me alot
  2. if you look to the left side of the screen, a few lines under your name it says Group : Members gratz lol
  3. setting up the brake only really takes 10 minutes max, and ive had my magura for nearly 3 months and it is still as good as the day i recieved it.
  4. yeah i only prefere a mod cause im a small fella only 5" 4' lol
  5. looks really nice, altho personally i would prefere mod! woo, niceone on buying though
  6. i got my off a friend really cheap then i upgraded it with things like a back HS33 and middleburns etc, but ive only been riding for about 2 months max, im still rubbish and im just only starting to backwheel things hehe
  7. yeah when mine got stuck on, i got my big friend scooby to stuff it in a vice and twist it off with the tool , worked a treat lol
  8. yay, many thanks, it was www.trials-uk.co.uk , and thanks everyone who tryed to help
  9. basically the other day, i went onto a online trials shop which sold some random bb, which i really wanted, i know it wasen't heatsink, and it wasen't tarty bikes, and i really cant remember the name, but i remember at the top of their page they had pictures of colorful rims and stuff! please help. thanks. Jan
  10. you've got the wrong end of the stick hehe, they mean as in take the best bits from 2 different freewheels and merge them into one, for example take the 108 clicks of a try all and the strongness, and the non-skippness of a ENO, and put them into one, so that you have a 108 click freewheel that is stupidly strong, and never skips.
  11. hi welcome to the forum, hehe i ride the same bike as you jan
  12. london sounds good because a lot of towns have train access to London, but i think a lot of people would only really wana go if it is a nice sunny day great idea though
  13. hi i have some middleburn pro trial cranks on my bike, but the bash gaurd lock ring keeps coming loose, is there any tool i can buy to tighten it? or should i just use a screwdriver + hammer? thanks in advance Jan
  14. if your talking about fish eye, which has the "circle" around the edge, and the edges are stretched then you will need to get an extra lense for the camera, but if you cant change lenses on the camera you will have to edit the fish eye lense in after you take the shot. Jan
  15. one of the first videos in a while ive actually enjoyed watching, really good riding
  16. hehe thanks Andy, yeah the most annoying bit about it was the rail was about a foot high -.- which completely takes the mick lol
  17. well today, i was riding as normal and i thought i would try a few rails, of course being a normal day i didn't wear my helmet (stupid me) so i did the rail a few times, then went for it again and cleared it, but when i landed my break slipped, and i cracked my head on the rail, now i've ended up sitting at home with a huge red bandage around my head, and a huge cut in the back of my head, and the moral of the story is, always wear your helmet! Jan x
  18. im just going with the classic black and white, lol black parts : handlebars frame crank arms white parts : break levers forks stem pedals bash gaurd seat <3
  19. ebay - £60 CRC - £90 ish the look on your face when the bearings snap - priceless
  20. just looking at it hurts.. lol
  21. i dont really think that the most common frame or even the most popular frame has much to do with getting a new one, because if you get a new frame you should be thinking about your personal preference like if you want a short frame (like a monty) or a long-ish frame like a echo lite, and also you need to consider wheelbase and stuff, but to awnser your question the most popular frame (for begginers) is probable a onza t-pro and im not sure for better people jan
  22. well ive only been trial'zing for a couple of weeks now, but a few weeks back i tryed some tar, it really worked well for a while but then it started to stop working as much, and then when it rained it left a black substance on my rim which means i had to clean it all off with white spirit, which was a bum!! lol
  23. meh cba to argue, ill just nod silently *nods*
  24. you need to chill out, hes new, just give him a chance
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