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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Eagle claws i reckon, i can take Creepy crawlers and try-alls of with my bare hands
  2. Highlight my post and edit yours
  3. Spec looks really nice, although the mix of colours is rather sickening
  4. Shindigs would be a thing of the past though .........
  5. So who else actually looked for www.muelsdadforum.co.uk
  6. Why are people pretending to be muel and his brother ?
  7. When i move to NI, The air line just said put som foem or something on the handle bars/pedals/etc and it will be fine, Who are you intending on flying with ?
  8. As far as i know NI is for NHS and shit like that, basically it pays their wages and stuff, I think...
  9. I *think* i remember reading some where that they won't be coming to the UK as there rather expensive and no one will buy them, Don't quote me though
  10. Why not just buy some normal spokes and spray them ?
  11. One Kanye Track Just for me Mike ? (A) ?
  12. On Page 2 Any news on a venue ? Also, i can get a car if thats ok with Sam/The venue ?
  13. You looking for Risers or Flats ? Standard Clamp size or oversized ?
  14. Got my Exam Timetable through this morning, been entered for the Higher paper for EVERY thing Only taking a few though so whould be all Good (A) Science Maths English Business studies B.tec PE IT P.F.W.L And get some sort of ASDAN or something award aswell, not to mention 3 years of work experience
  15. Echo's are good aswell Almost identical internals to an Eno i do believe
  16. I think he means a little finger board
  17. Despite home schooling surely you shouldn't be able to take them early should you ? You can tell me some of the awnsers when you're done then
  18. Really ? mine don't start for nearly 3 weeks haha
  19. Count me in Edit:And roughly how much are the trians form Penistone/Barnsley any one ~?
  20. No lol, just a bit of (bad) Sarcasm.
  21. My controls> Change display name
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