No, i would just stick it out and understand that what i had done was neither funny nor was it acceptable, when the mods/ admins think you're worth validating, they willl do it, and obvioulsy now is not the time
And beg for validation Btw, i know it was suggested you make a new account but the whole idea of it is to make it so no one know, i was pissed as a fart last night and still knew KO Rider boy or what ever it was was you
Up to the mods really, there is no fixed time period. Some people can stay in here for years with out being validated and some get validated on there first day, all depends really but asking questions like that are not helping unfortunatly
Better pads would be a good start I know you mentioned not wanting a grind, but you'll find that most pads are shite otherwise Try some Cousts on a smooth rim with a little bit of tar, been told that it's an awesome combo, if theres still no change then i think the grinder needs to com out
In that case you deserve all the abuse you get, you either: A) Havnt read the rules (which you should have done) B ) Have read the rules and have chosen to delibretally ignore them Reported
Yeh, evo mounts are needed which tend to be pretty expensive (£20 odd last time i checked ???) If you buy them new. I have a set that are of no use to me though ..........