Lies, i've got a form somewhere from blue bannana when i had mine done, think it's 13 with a parent or 16 without, Nipple is 15 with a parent and 18 with out etc. I'll see if i can find the form and Edit
Was it on a Zona Zentih ? I do belive he tried selling it on here first Will have a look now and Edit Edit:Found the topic but not much info on it in there, maybe PM him if you're that intretsed;pid=1555691
Whilst browsing the usual bike sites, i came across This, Lever looks really cool. Anyone used one before ? And would it be possible to use the lever for a Hs33/Echo brake or are the pistons and what not too small/big ? The lever looks almost identical to a HS33 lever on the outside... Couple of pics Discuss ?
Dads in the army and has absolutely shit loads of camo paint if it's any use to you ? Only problem is i'm moving house next sunday so alot of stuff is packed, i'll ask him if he's packed it if ye like ?
Fair enough, i might have being a bit of a twat to him but it piss' me off that immature people make seperate accounts and Spam TF for no reason other than the fact he thinks its funny ? Did it make you laugh ? Edi: I'm too drunk and tired for arguments, Kiss and make up yeh ?
I'm not being a twat towards him "because i can", i'm being a twat to him because he did wrong, and if you can't see that then i'm affraid you're the twat