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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Adam-Griffin

    Zhi News

    Similar to the GU le then, looks similar aswell. All looks great
  2. Lies, i've got a form somewhere from blue bannana when i had mine done, think it's 13 with a parent or 16 without, Nipple is 15 with a parent and 18 with out etc. I'll see if i can find the form and Edit
  3. Same bar, stem, and frame as me But yeh, them bar and stem are pretty shite lol. Looks good, them frames ride lushhhh
  4. Sorry to hear about that Will keep an eye out
  5. Moving house that weekend, Can't make it
  6. As i said though, the stems no where to be seen
  7. Was it on a Zona Zentih ? I do belive he tried selling it on here first Will have a look now and Edit Edit:Found the topic but not much info on it in there, maybe PM him if you're that intretsed http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....amp;pid=1555691
  8. Whilst browsing the usual bike sites, i came across This, Lever looks really cool. Anyone used one before ? And would it be possible to use the lever for a Hs33/Echo brake or are the pistons and what not too small/big ? The lever looks almost identical to a HS33 lever on the outside... Couple of pics Discuss ?
  9. I used to absolutely hate that dog, but after seeing Dr. Nicks living room i can't help but laugh
  10. I think it was Prawn (?) Driving across the pitch and a few people driving a little bit silly
  11. To be honest, i couldn't tell you until i've seen it/Asked him Edit: Since when did the swear filter change T B H to to be honest
  12. Dads in the army and has absolutely shit loads of camo paint if it's any use to you ? Only problem is i'm moving house next sunday so alot of stuff is packed, i'll ask him if he's packed it if ye like ?
  13. Adam-Griffin


    Whats happening to Koko?
  14. Fair enough, i might have being a bit of a twat to him but it piss' me off that immature people make seperate accounts and Spam TF for no reason other than the fact he thinks its funny ? Did it make you laugh ? Edi: I'm too drunk and tired for arguments, Kiss and make up yeh ?
  15. I'm not being a twat towards him "because i can", i'm being a twat to him because he did wrong, and if you can't see that then i'm affraid you're the twat
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