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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. What words are actually filtered other than ***, fanny etc ?
  2. Reminds me of something ....
  3. Thought they were 1025/1030 ?
  4. I've replyed to you're PM so when am i getting my money back !?!
  5. Is it possible to be less co-operative than he already is ? He PM'd me after i left him feedback, t said "Lol", not impressed to say the least
  6. Is there any way that a mod/admin can odisable his posts or something ? He's coming on here and posting still
  7. If he's sent it all out then why doesn't he answer anyone ?! Hasn't replyed to the dispute either
  8. Atleast he's replying to you Any one got his mobile number ? Also, would i be wrong in leaving him negative feedback now as a bit of an incentiveto get of his arse and send them ? Started the dispute 2 days ago but heard nothing from him, Think you may be right Max
  9. Muchly appreciated but i Moved to Northern Ireland on friday just havn't had chance to change my location, Thanks anyway though Just going to find out if they have arrived at where i asked themto be sent to and if not im going to dispute it and Hopefully get my money back
  10. I've seen him viewing this topis and still no reply so i'm gonna start a dispute now, gone too far. Let you know how it goes
  11. Cheers man, much appreciated Edit: Pretty obvious hes ignoring me now, i've bombarded him with PM's and hes been online... Pissed off...
  12. Yeh me too, to be honest i'm more pissed off that i havnt been able to ride than that im £13 down Miss you too bud, Back in august mate:) Got you a present aswell
  13. 1 Dodgy seller won't put me off dealing again, iv done atleast 25 trades on here and not one of them have gone wrong besides this one, i feel rather silly actually as i didn't look at his feedback i just assumed any one stupiud enough to try and rip someone off would atleast try and convince me to send cash instead of using paypal...
  14. Well, on the 10th, i paypalled Tom Jefferies £13 for some Adamant riser bars, said he had alot on so would post them on thursday which i thought was fair enough... Still no sign of them, i had them posted to the adress i was staying at which i'm no longer at. I Don't honestly think he's sent them, Hes being very vague regarding postage details such as price,how they were sent etc etc and when i sent him a message asking either for a receipt of postage or my money back, he started ignoring my messages, i know hes seen them because hes been on frequently enough and i'm really starting to get pissed off now, if any one knows him could they have a word with him and tell him to get his ars into gear, if hes reading this then you have 48 hours to either get my bars to me or i will be starting a dispute throughpaypall because this is beyond a joke now. Sorry to have to make another one of these topics but they often seem to work. Thanks for any help/Advise given aslong as it doesnt suggest i travel 100s of miles and beat him.....
  15. I've got the next 12 days off so should be in sheffield on atleast opne of them, PM me
  16. Knackered my shoulder but will still be showing my face, spoke to muel and he said he mioght not be there, Ill be early again Bout 10 40 ish
  17. Adam-Griffin

    New house

    Few Piucs of my new house :)
  18. Ian Van dahl-Castles in the Sky- Just love it, reminds me of good days Kooks-Naive, Its the song that ALWAYS reminds me off the suimmer of 06 DJ carly-Dizzee round the world- Reminds me of when me and my GF went away
  19. Never had any problems with my H/sink one
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