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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. I do have his MSN but he Blocked me, would be ace if you could send his Adress and Home number when you can
  2. Would you mind PMing me them Details Leon ?
  3. When you say about a month ago, was , my topic open when you bought it ? Hes a waste of space, THE most useless trader on here.
  4. Well didn't get my money back last night and he hasn't been on since the 11th, Cheers for Blacklisting him Tom
  5. Wrong.end.of.stick Anyway, back on topic (A)
  6. Ok, I apologise, a topic thief basically means stealing the topic and useing it as youre own.
  7. Don't do that Bikes look Lush Jelous..
  8. Ofcourse he could find it, its in his history on Paypal, Yet another Lie. Why should i have to wait nearly 2 months for MY OWN Money ?
  9. Thats bullshit, it was the same account that i used to pay him, Hes Putting it off AGAIN, taking the piss even more.
  10. Still nothing, beggining to think the only way im going to get my money is paying him a visit...
  11. White frame, Pink rims looks the Tits, as does a black frame Pink wheels (A)
  12. Get rid of the Vee and you're onto a winner
  13. 10.31 PM 10.38PM (I PM'd him my addy at 10.41PM (3 Minutes After wards ) ) 10.56PM He went offline after this ^^^ Taking the f**king piss again, Can some one Ban him after this ?
  14. As Ben said, Disputes are shite, Mines got me no closer to My Moneys than before i opened it
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