You may dislike the arguments on here but theirs no need to be so patronising about it, every body over the age of 20 or so seems to think any one younger than them is a child, this is a forum, age shouldn't be brought into it. I'm by no means trying to cause an argument here, just irritates me when people talk down to others, like the 'Come back when you're old enough to have sex ' Joke on the happy thread.It's just uncalled for. I'm sure i'm right in saying that most members appreciate that the older members have been here longer and have more life experience than the younger ones (Goes without saying) but theirs no need to bitch about it. After reading that back to my self i can't work out whether it makes any sense, i was up late and my brains fried I'd also like to say thats not a stab at you in any way Sci, Your cool