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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Monty 231 Kamel-£2299.00 -for Stock Koxx silver sky-£1799.00 -For mod According to Tarty-Bikes.
  2. Looks a lot like a Da Bomb Skool/School. From what i can see the spec is some where along the lines of: Da Bomb Frame Onza/Da bomb forks Muscle man cranks Base Flat bars Bas stem ? Onza wheels ? Shimano vee brake ? Just working with what i can see their so i doubt it's accuracy Not bad for £20 either GT pedals aswell i do believe, look very similar to mine
  3. It may be worth looking into buying second hand, for £400 you can get alot more for your money second hand. Wait until your validated and look in the classifieds section Although it might be hard to find someone willing to ship to the Netherlands. By the way, your English is much better than my Dutch
  4. Lol, do you mean an RB ? They often have problems regarding leaks but i think theres a way to sort that, although i'd stick with a magura lever.
  5. Yeah i try and avoid dealing with people that don't have it, it's safer, easier and 100x quicker than sending cash or something.
  6. So, you have to pay to use the Classifieds section ?!
  7. But then they'd just post saying shit like "hu put that as spam" And shit which would count towards their 200 posts ?
  8. I think the 4 pages were from stupidity apposed to the vid....
  9. I'm also close by with alot of decent riding should be able to put you up for a night or 2
  10. Bought some replacements last night. Also asked if they had a set spare for You Jeff my dear .
  11. Sponge, PM me the exact sizes you need and i'll see if i have anything, i'v got a tin full of them
  12. I'll catch you on msn
  13. To be honest i'm not entirely sure what broke on them, i bought the frame without them Just going to E-mail BT again and get some replacements, seems alot of hassle other wise Thanks for that though Cheers, Adam.
  14. Did you miss the topic about the Mod proII's then ?
  15. But that defeats the object ? If i wanted to use tugs, I'd get the Ciguena ones, fool. Too busy to play jippi but not busy enough to come and insult me in my own home, huh ? I get it.
  16. _____________ O.....O....O ----------------- Axel sits here ----------------- O.....O....O _____________ The O's are the holes, i'll whack some pics up in the morning, Computer leads buried in my draws next to where Sams sleeping and she'll kill me if i wake her Up But thats basically what it looks like (Although a lot more detailed ) Although I'm assuming it wouldn't work if i was to stick the bolts in those holes ? Don't want to drill another either, It would be a crime to drill this beauty Don't want to buy new cams either really, it;s not too much of an issue as if it won't work, i'll just get the Ciguena ones just i'd prefer to use cams.
  17. I spoke to BT and they said they can provide me with some replacements it's just i'd like to run some snail cams for the time being Thanks for the offer though If i send you a pic over msn, could you just whack it up for me ? Won't let me upload on here for some reason
  18. My Ciguena frame came today but the Special ciguena design dropouts are broken Basically my question to you is to you, is it possible to just use ordinary snail cams (Monty in fact) apposed to the ciguena system ? The slot in the drop outs is the same size as other frames, just i can't think of which of the 6 holes to put the Bolt on Might be a stupid question, meh. I do have a pic i drew on paint but it won't upload Thanks in advance for any replies
  19. Some one should give them a ring and ask wtf their playing at charging outrages prices like that. Edit: Just emailed them...
  20. He's obviously not a nice guy from what we've seen. I personally think you're being silly giving him a penny. Sounds like hes just trying to con you out of money and taking advantage of your good nature. If it was me i'd refund him f**k all and tell him where to get off.
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