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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Cheers, will have a look in JJB next time i go I've never had much luck with primark; I don't think much to there desgins, they never fit right and the qualities normally pretty bad In my opinion, they don't last long enough Thanks though
  2. Adam-Griffin


    So, summers coming up and it's time to rock the shorts I'm a bit of an addict to be honest, I had about 40 pairs last summer but most of them don't fit me any more I know TKmaxx is pretty good but the nearest ones about 30 miles, and tiny so it's kinda out of the question. Anyone know of any decent shops, or online stores to get them from? I did a quick search but couldn't find all that much, could swear this topics been done before... Thanks!
  3. Sup gee's? Edit: take that back, just looked and theirs no gee's online
  4. Make Photobucket account> Upload image to account> Copy IMG code>Paste image code on here. Or if it's just a generic image, find it on google, open it in a new tab and the copy the link and past it into the 'insert image' box just to the right of the ' ' face ^^^
  5. Edit: Yeah works for me too. Excuse the randomness of the picture.
  6. Ha, I thought that was today ! Wish I could make it
  7. Toothache. Lost. Pringles. Beer.
  8. How you're not back in pre-members/Pre-members for life is beyond me.
  9. Now hooked on lost, Started Season 2 this morning and I'm half way through :$ It's kinda confusing, and theirs bits i don't quite understand but i guess all will become clear in time... ...Riiiite?
  10. I'm becoming quite the fanatic now, I'm going to be like you soon Ed This is Charley, 5 weeks old Bought him today...
  11. They are housed next to eachother because eventually, we're hoping to put them in together although shes no where near old enough yet. Theirs a curtain that we put down between the side of the 2 tanks if either of them look too stressed or frustrated but if hes just bobbing we leave him to it. Before we got her, he never bobbed his head. We let him out in the living room last night and he squared upto the dog and started doing it When he realised she was like ..wtf..? He decided to go black and puff his beard at her, and she hid away for the rest of the night When the cresties are born, what size enclosure do you keep them in? Do you keep them all in one? I only ask cause i saw a tank that was no bigger than 2ftx2ft with at least 20 or so in and just wondered if that was.. suitable?
  12. Yeah from what I gather, the bobbing is to say I'm king around here and the wavings just to acknowledge that they know there place. Shes just...looks at him haha? Completely un phased as he sits and wears him self out.
  13. Bought another beardie yesterday 7 month old female, not sure on a name yet but everyone keeps calling her Lola Banjo doesn't seem too impressed yet haha, he keeps bobbing his head and puffing his beard at her Meh, He'll get used to her... ...right? Lola: Banjos... reaction? : His beard goes really dark, then an hour or so later it goes lighter again. Then he sees her, and the cycle restarts haha.
  14. Get off your high horse.
  15. Yeah I watched the final break, that was pretty disappointing too Losts 90.6% downloaded, only yesterday did i realise it was 35.4 gig haha! Reckons it'll be done by tommorow, which fits my time line rather well seeing as I've just about done watching heroes I need to get a f**king life.
  16. Bovrils just as bad. At what point was anyone looking at tea and thinking "This isn't meaty enough."?
  17. Deffinatly proved a point, it doesn't get much more decisive than that haha. Some of the stuff people on Sherdog are coming up with is gold. 'It was a lucky punch, Machida was picking him apart until then' ' It was an illegal blow to the back of the head that rocked him' 'Lyoto was injured before the fight' Theirs also an amazing Cecile Peoples quote somewhere about how it shouldn't have been stopped when it was:|.. Had to admire Shoguns class when he realised Machida was Ko'd, and got of him before it was stopped. Paul daley incident.. Not really much to say on that one is there. It was unsportsmanlike, but he was provoked. Still no excue though. SHould he have been cut? Meh, I'm not completely sold on it. I think Dana should have given it a few days to calm down and if he still felt that way, then so be it. Lol at the Kimbo Fight. Hes an embarresment, Thank god he got cut after that fight. I'm not sure about Lyoto been done to be honest, I still think he has a pretty bright future in the ufc and wouldn't be suprised if he was in title contention again one day. I don't think he'll ever be seen in the same light though, he was picked apart in both fights and that shows other fighters how to beat him. Theirs been rumours Randys next for the title shot. That would just be such a big mistake it's untrue. I don't like counting randy out of anything because i always look like a fool, but i just don't think at 46 years old he can stand with the elite of the lhw division anymore Hope Rampage is next for the title shot, although that depends how 114 goes down. Hopefully, Evans is going to sleep. But i wouldn't be so sure about it. Anyone else been watching tuf?
  18. Personally, I f**king despise it. I don't even like looking at it.
  19. Sam Stouts entrance music=Legendary.
  20. As a whole I enjoyed he series, although I wasn't impressed with the ending. It seemed to almost tarnish what was a brilliant series by hurrying the ending, it was just so sudden. It was as if they'd wrote out the ending, and had to change it at the last minute for some reason. Don't get me wrong, brilliant series and I'm gutted it's finished now Heroes is getting better too, started on series 2 this morning. Lost still hasn't finished downloading haha. So, anyone up?
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