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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. f**k :$ Why didn't i bother to read those ? Sorry about that for any one thats already done it :$ Might aswell be closed then, unless any one (Other than me ) Is silly enough to give out personal details for the sake of a chocolate bar How silly of me
  2. Maybe not worthy of it's on topic but i thought you lot may like some free stuff You fill in your details and they send you a text with a Bar code and stuff on it, you show it to participating shops and they redeem it with free chocolate Enjoy!! Linky
  3. Im almost %100 that that top ring is circling the hose guide jamie....
  4. Depressing ?! Hardcore metal/Emo shit is depressing, however shit the song was, it was far from depressing, was a kinda happy song :$ I'd assumed it was an older style Xtp Was a good video actually
  5. Which fool sold that for £150 ? Looks awesome, bargain if ever i saw one.
  6. Strange you should post this actually as i was considering making this topic yesterday I've done it 2x already but recently, everyone seems to be either going stock, or "24 Results of my previous two are Here and Here. Interested to know the results and whether they've changed alot
  7. Video was ok, and thats it, hes just an average rider, nothing more. Style looked very uncontrolled and messy aswell. Although i do believe he has potential. Very bold statement, would like to see you prove it.
  8. I bought a dicta as it was over Christmas and i needed it quick, tarty wouldn't have been able to get it to me in time for the ride i was going to be attending. And if you actually bothered to read my post properly, you'd have read :Not a bitch at Onza
  9. Someones bound to have it, surely ?!
  10. PM Fishy , he makes custom stickers
  11. Not necessarily, you need to take into account what Drive train he's using, if theirs a Freewheel and a bash ring then a 128/127.5 will be needed also if the pistons stick out a longer BB axle could be needed again.
  12. I'm with Ben on this one, i think the rider has as much to do with it as the actual bite. Hence 203 BB7s seem to snap a considerable amount more than a mono trial or similar brake with less bite. Bike looks good
  13. How do you mean ? i don't understand what makes you think it wont fit, it won't work with Square taperedf cranks if thats what you mean
  14. I payed £9 for my Dicta a few weeks ago, it's only £11.74 for an ACS claw, for the Sake of £3 (Probably less at trade) Why not stick that on ? Or a Tensile even like on most of Onza's bikes come with ? Not a bitch as Onza do very good, cheap starter bikes, i just don't see why they'd put a dicta on
  15. Yeah it is a strange feature, not sure many people use/used it but i think most hubs with it have been discontinued now bar the Viz.
  16. There called Flip flop hubs, it's for putting 2 different sized cogs on to try different gear ratios, or so i'm told....
  17. Trialtech Although it may be worth looking at second hand Deng/Monty/Try-all hubs,
  18. It'd be more understandable if he was, but he isn't
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