How is it ?!When a Topic about Dan is made, 9 times out of 10 Dan sorts it in some fashion. Most of the topics are popping up becasue they can't contact Dan any other way. People are giving Dan a chance (whether or not he deserves it is another matter...) to sort out the problem before going through the hassle of contacting trading standards, I for one would prefer to have a problem sorted out on Tf then through Them and i would imagine Dan would also. I'm by no means Sticking up for Dan becaus ei totally disagree with the way he does (Or doesn't do it would seem...) Business nor am i having a dig at the way Tarty do, i just think theres enough stuff on Tf for people to make up there own minds as to which company they'd like to shop with without starting topics like this, you prefer to use Tarty, fine, doesn't mean everybody else HAS to buy from them. They are doing a sound Job and that has been recognised by %90 or member/riders, if you want to congratulate them personally, E-mail them or something.