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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Adam-Griffin

    Adam Griffin

    'lol' I said that because your actually retarded, if you have a problem with me, sort it out on Msn with yeah ? Don't go bringing it on here.
  2. Hell f**king yeah! It wasn't There was loads of it here, we don't even live a mile apart
  3. I tried building an igloo but failed Hoping for a considerable amount more tomorrow so i can finish it Party at my igloo if i manage to Respect to the eskimos/Inuits, it's f**king back breaking work.
  4. I will if you like ? I'm online %80 of the day
  5. Alot of them are copied of Skate perception Stu does, but i think that ones copied from Sp, i remember something along those lines on there, and it sounds kinda american..
  6. Wankered And poor, an bored. Jippi anyone ?
  7. Adam-Griffin

    I'm Married

    Ahhhhh congrats man, hope your happy together
  8. Hope so, otherwise i've f**ked this computer ...
  9. I'd decline it if i were you, unfortunately Muel lives in derby
  10. Thats an awesome price Especially seeing as the New Deng frames are £400
  11. Like the looks of it, I think more would sell if they came with magura mounts aswell though... I'd imagine the price would be similar to the stock version, no ?
  12. As far as I'm aware, Zhi-Chris and possible T-UK are the only way to get them in the UK Although i may be wrong.
  13. Dunno, think Tarty built it up as a show model, not mine if thats what your thinking ....
  14. White ones Andy's GU TP and i Believe the 2nd ones Tarty Adam's Mega modded Czar. Heres mine
  15. I Quite frequently travel between oxford/Belfast so may also be able to pass it on if needs be
  16. Ruined it with that paint, looks shit.
  17. Where do i come on the list then ...... ?
  18. Old style T-mag with HS33s, Echo cranks, Zoo! forks etc for £15 Alos got some Echo cranks w/Echo freewheel for £40, brand new. Echo lite forks, almost new condition £30. Echo easy forks for a £10er. T-Master hub on try-all rim inc ZHI snail cams for £15. All from locals.
  19. PM Jardo (Pashley26 on here), think he has some.....
  20. I voted black. Is it the Ivan ? How much you after ?
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