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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Then don't fiddle. Edit: How often does it skip ? Dos it happen often or was it a one of thing ? How old is it ?
  2. Don't be like that, i just got bored of her Will have a another by Summer though, maybe even a "24 one
  3. Obviously he can't otherwise he would, now shush. Looks very nice squire, Just about to post mine off
  4. I'm also in the same boat with my Echo Fw, i'v tried the lockrings from a Dicta ( ), an Acs and neither worked
  5. Not necessarily, my Echo Cnc brake leaked even when it had a factory bleed in it
  6. Other than that, people may think 44trials is a trials version of 44 bikes ? If possible, i'd like to be last (Or quite near the end)Of the mod list, I've just converted to stock for now but aim will have a mod by the summer time
  7. Dude how about you stfu ? He was (Quite obviously no ? ) Joking, i think your the retarded one if you couldn't see that. Chill the f**k out.
  8. I'm due upto "20 here over tonight/tomorrow Any one else expecting any ? Last time i spoke to Jardo it was still snowing his end, hadn't stopped for 3 days nearly
  9. Ofcourse ;)

    Im on now, how come your not on msn ? Will pm you a link in a sec, wont work if i do it here :S

  10. Will have to try and source a cheap flight, any one fancy staying in a travel lodge or something ?
  11. Surely that geo's wrong ?! The wheelbase is extreme but plausible but 350mm Bottom bracket ride just isn't possible, is it ? Maybe they meant 35mm, hopefully
  12. Thats the Kabuki Mono which retails at £600 for the full bike. The Tekiya is a completely different bike. Although i still think £250 is expensive for that frame.
  13. You got me all excited thinking he'd made a new vid I will never forgive you. Original thread. Best vid ever as far as I'm concerned.
  14. I Hadn't though of that actually, thanks Best vee brake booster any one ? Also, what pads are decent these days? Smooth rim preferably but i know thats not always possible Last thing , Tensioners, whats reliable and tensions well ? Sorry for all the questions, bit of a noob with stocks really :$
  15. Poll makes no sense, of course we like it or dislike it.
  16. Is it a drilled sprocket ? Can remember someone on here did a guide, think it was Joey B. will have quick search ... Edit: Linky
  17. No i meant igloo, didn't manage to get it finished though, hence it looks like just a wall.
  18. Got a set on the way to me, Are they actually any good ? They're only about £5 or so where as the better adaptors (Heatsink, onza, echo etc) Are all like £25ish. These ones: Also, the base is about 2cm high, will the pads hit the rim ok ? What are the lowest sitting Vee brake arms ? I can't really explain it so i hope you understand what i mean
  19. Bet that f**king hurt. But yeah, oldddddd.
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