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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Back on the 2nd, you going to the Dj ride ?

  2. Funny you just posted that, i was just looking for a new one but can't seem to find anything i like :( Is one attending the Abingdon Dj ride ?

  3. Kris holm rims are pretty good ..
  4. Just tried Pming you but your inbox is full, Call it £22 to cover postage and Paypal charges, cheap enough as it is really :)

  5. I don't understand what hes braging about though, 7-8 mins ?
  6. Will take a large please Any way i can get hold of one of the older designs aswell ?
  7. She's Missing a tail aswell, we got her from a rescue home when she was a few months old, they'd cut off her tail And then a few months after we had her she ran into the road and had to have it amputated, shes fine now, it's as if she never had 4 Walks on her back legs a lot of the time
  8. Yeah I did think people would pick on the fact that the Live dogs missing a front leg first.....
  9. Mollie the dog: Lizzie the Lepoard Gecko (How original ) : Pictures pretty shit as i turned the flash of so i didn't frighten her and her heat lamps on, hence the red. Our old dog, Max:
  10. Try-all Foam grips are where it's at.
  11. When ever it's been brought up in my house i've just shrugged it off and thought nothing of it, until earlier it hit me i could actually get it, i've just been looking at it as something that would never happen to me
  12. How you can ask if it's ok to play away and post this : In the same topic is beyond me, you quite obviously have no understanding of adult relationships.
  13. Just open a dispute, this isn't the 1st time he's ripped people off and unless he's blacklisted it won't be the last. Has he got Negative feedback ? Mat Smith had problems with him i can remember, think there was a few more people aswell.
  14. But did it though, was it all worth it in the end ?
  15. Wait, you swapped an XTP frame for a DOB ? Looks nice but i'd imagine the Koxx would look nicer...
  16. Pretty awesome at a guess
  17. Just watched the last vid from September time (Which was fecking amazing) and then watched this afterwards, the improvement from the last vid (Which hardly seemed possible ) Is just phenominal! He has got so much better in nthe space of 8 months it's untrue, i'd love to progress so rapidly Again, best vid ever as far as i'm concerened, Blokes a god My Mum, brother and sister have all watched it with dropped jaws! Also just sent my Dad whos out in Afghanistan a link to it, Will make his Day !!!
  18. Oh ok, could have swore i read 128mm availabe somewhere, then again i've looked at so many different BB's in the past 3 hours ....
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