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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. How did you manage to read that and reply in the space of 1 minute ? Thought as much, thanks for the input. Will a longer/Higher stem restrict how the bike rides ? As it is it's great for Manuals and streety style moves and i don't want to lose that although I'd like to mix it up a bit and find a compromise between streety riding and more trialsy style stuff. No steerer spare atall really although my headset stacks pretty high so may have some more if i change it. Probably around 3mm or so i'd imagine, think i'm going to struggle to fit a new stem with a larger clamp than the Monty one Thanks alot.
  2. Well my bike just feels stupidly short and too cramped for me. I keep banging my knee on the stem aswell My current setup it: Ciguena frame (990mm Wheel base, 362mm chainstays) Monty Pr stem (145x25) Monty Bars And Echo lite forks. I've looked for a new frame and no one seems to have anything longer than 1010ish which i think would still be far too short for me. Im not stupidly tall either ("5.6). My question is, What part will make the most difference in the way my bike rides by changing it? I'm assuming it'll be the stem, if so, what kind of Geo should i be aiming for ? I've considered stem stackers but don't have enough steerer tube left on my forks Will Different forks make a difference atall ? Any help appreciated Thanks.
  3. Did you not see Danny tell him off ?
  4. Never used them personally although these are supposed to be pretty good although only come in 32h Drilling as far as i can see. Link
  5. Same shit different name. Pedant.
  6. Really enjoyed that, Editing wasn't perfect but it doesn't really matter. Big riding and not too repetitive, Good job
  7. Mega impressed with that, Every video i see of you you've improved so much. Really enjoying your "24 stuff. Keep it up man, Well done ! Thanks for the Tt Link Will be downloading
  8. Hayes nines are awful for trials in my experience. I'd go for the Avid, BB7's are immense but then BB5's are still pretty f**king awesome.
  9. Any chance you could stick it on tt Simps (A) ? Vimeo doesn't seem to play on my PC Would appreciate it
  10. Wrong Section man Looks nice though, whats the Geometries on these ? Is it similar to the newer models ?
  11. Havn't got many pictures Started on one of these: Was far too short and i got super bored of it very quickly so moved onto this for £35: Was only £35 becasue: Rode it once and it decided to Snap clean in 2 From then i Bought a Da Bomb pro Team magura frame and the Bottom bracket shell literally fell out of the frame. Bought one of the old Box style T-pros, f**ked all the mounts on it. Bought one of the T-Mags the same as above^^ which i managed to cross thread the BB shell. Then i Bought my Ko: (<<Not when i had it) Thought i had more of my Ko but can't find them :9 Anyway, swapped it for this: Didn't get on with it so sold it and Bought and A3 which i can't find pics of either. Sold that and bought this: Got bored again and bought one of these: Which snapped within a week. Then bought this: Which i Eventually sold for out of boredom to buy this: I then swapped that for a Czar Stock frame which i Still have now and then bought the Ciguena back Have a had a few more but can't remember/Have pics of them on this Pc
  12. Because for most items it's not worth the hassle and Shipping costs. I'v just been offered a £300 second hand frame for £340 due to international shipping. Unless it's an expensive and small item it's not worth it 9 times out of 10.
  13. A black mumba ? There basically Pythons i seem to remember.
  14. I'd say You're about my Height Jack, maybe a little bit taller. I enjoy Long frames personally, My Ciguena is around the same Wb as the short because And i find it far too cramped. When i moved from my T-pro to My Ko i think my riding improved alot more than it did when i Went from my ko (1045) to my team (1015 ?). Short bikes are fun for a while but get boring pretty Quickly where as long bikes take a bit of getting used to but when you have, they're awesome. Just my opinion of course.
  15. To find your own thread go onto your profile and click topics. Same can be done with all your posts. Theres also an option to look through all your topics and posts just under your profile display picture. Think theirs a thing in the 'My controls' bit aswell which keeps track of topics that have been posted in since your last visit. You get used to it after a while anyway. Edit: Haha, been on here over 2 years now and never noticed the Massive Options box Cheers Mark
  16. Shall we all comment on all hid videos saying he's suffered a tragic accident ?
  17. Sonic. Whats with all the topics ?
  18. %100 go for the Ko. Best riding mod frame ever.
  19. My Grandad put one on there and it went for £265 Last night so £100's a bit of a low offer really.
  20. Posting you adress on a public forum, great idea Oh, and Nick....
  21. Yes, with the 5 or so cracks.
  22. Or a cigar and a Waffle ? [/Predictability]
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