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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Not necessarily. There was a Batch that had Oversized BB threads. What year is it?
  2. Haha no worries, not too bothered really. Does like nice
  3. Yeah, because poor African children want empty Pringles tubes. Thats just taunting them
  4. Borat Cultural learnings to make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan.
  5. I tried Dd with on a load of different Frames, Brakes and rotor sizes, None if which i got on with. I tried BB7's (New and older styler, 160, 185 and 205mm rotors) BB5's with dual 185s and then with a rear 203, Mono trials with a Rear 205 and a front 185, Hope C2's/Avid Juicies/ Various Hayes breaks. None of them gave me what i'd class as a great brake, The Mono trials were ok but didnt bite too well, BB7's were the opposite, shit loads of bite but no hold No Rear disc i've had ever compared to my Magura (Standard eisbar magura, Braided crossover, 74 Kingz tpa wheel With CNC Echo pads/Heatsink reds) Although i've never tried front and rear maguras so can't comment on what thats like, i think a front disc, rear magura is the best combo although if i had to choose between souble disc, and double magura I'd Pick Double maggie.
  6. Adam-Griffin

    Muel 7

    Massive improvement from the Echo lite, Stock deffinatly suits you more ! Look alot more comfortable on the Simtra than the Kot aswell Keep it up
  7. I keep saying every year that im going to go but for some reason or other i never do. Going to make every effort to go next year i think
  8. I'm n my living room if it makes a blind bit of difference. You know jack shit about me, my life, my character and what I'm about but you still chose to lower your argument to personal insults and direct attacks on me as a person, which Like Jarod said is a shame as your argument just lost all its credibility. I might be 17, but your the one making you self look a cock.
  9. Your whole argument is a flaw though, this has been done and done and done to death and nothing has changed before, Why would it now? Just because you dont like the validation system we should change it? At the end of the day, my post wasn't personally aimed at you or anyone in particular, i just think people should be more grateful and appreciate what they have got opposed to bitching, however hard it is to believe, the mods/admin do in fact have lives OUTSIDE Tf But yeah, I stand by my previous post, if you don't it like then go elsewhere.
  10. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  11. This topics old. The validations sytems fine as it is, if you don't like it then, well, you can piss off.
  12. Thats actually pretty nice, Good to see "24 bikes and parts expanding. Also goo to see a company as big as deng on the scene. Does it have a name? Or, is it just The Adamant "24? Or, the A4
  13. Well our own Tf Donkeys 19 today, Happy birthday hombre
  14. Look in the Piercing thread, loads of info in there
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