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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. I used it, but It was fine for ages afterwards. It's only recently it's started being funny. Wasn't sure whether it was just a rumour and people on the internet being people on the internet
  2. I've been getting the occasional error, won't load a page/Transcript error etc but nothing as bad as it has been for the past 7-10 days. Is there any truth to the fan checker causing these problems anyone?
  3. Working fine for me, or it seems to be. Facebooks working better today than it has been in a while For me that is
  4. Facebook seeems fine, My messages aren't been sent on Msn though for some reason, everyone i speak to says the same
  5. Maybe we should close the angry thread, this seems like a better idea.
  6. I managed to severely warp an Onza stem once, found a crack in my Monty Ti stem aswell although I'm not sure that was me Pretty sure Anscombe snapped a Monty clean in two once How or why this would make you feel better i don't know, Just thought i'd share my life story with you all
  7. Because if i go out, the chances of coming back are rather slim I obviously wouldn't grass, I was kidding lol Can't say the same for Haz though ...
  8. Adam-Griffin


    Keep getting trouble with posts not showing up in chronological order though, think that's to do with the fan checker though
  9. Ahh thats good to know! I only asked about the swelling because alot of people i know that have had it done claimed theres didnt even swell atall Yeah i cleaned the bar properly, Washed my hand and everything. Hope it's starts to go down soon, I need real food soon haha Thanks
  10. Got my tongue done on Saturday with a really long Plastic bar, I Accidently chewed the bar and it snapped so put another in, problem is the swelling hasn't gone down yet and it's quite tight, do i leave it in and hope it starts to go down or do i go back and get them to put another plastic one in? I know what would be the Ideal option but it's fecking miles to go, especially if i don't really need to...
  11. CS=Chain stays WB=Wheel base Geo= Geometry HS= Headset CK=Chris King CC=Creepy Crawler Few are pretty obvious but still
  12. I'd say no for Isis, Yes for Square taper. I've Never had any problems with any cheap Sqaure bb although i Bought a cheap Vp Isis one of Ebay at the same time i bought my Fsa. The Fsa is still going strong to this day where as the Vp was dead within 2-3months of light riding.
  13. Wow, only signed up today and your in a specialist group. Well done. Unless, of course, The mods know something we don't
  14. Hi, I'd like to take all of your stock if possible. Please Pm me or E-mail me and I'll arrange payment
  15. Nmc? It's under everyone to me haha
  16. For the 1st time in 4 years I'm actually problem free! Broke up with Sam a few weeks ago and i just can't believe how much better my life seems to have got since
  17. I actually get embarresed listening to that song nowa days I used to think it was the shit when it 1st came out though :$
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