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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. I'll have the last laugh, i've just hammered a rusty nail through my lips and re-done my snake bites. WHERES YOUR GOD NOW?
  2. Might have to try it, it's just the thought of sitting with my tongue out for a prolonged period of time that i'm not looking forward too haha. Seems i'm just a pussy then, anyone else part of the ' I got mine numbed cause i'm a wimp' crew ? No? Just me? ...
  3. You machine I wouldn't have had it done if they hadn't have numbed it haha, i'm a pussy Out of interest, was getting it pierced without having it numbed worse than the akward couple of weeks afterwards? I was contemplating stretching mine to 3mm or so, hmmmm...
  4. They sprayed this shit into my mouth, like a yellowy liquid that kind of burned and made it feel weird so i Assume so yeah ` Has anyone had the back of there neck pierced? Thinking about having it done but would like to here some experiences...
  5. Stick the 3 back in or a 4? I have no idea when it comes to tunnels really so i'm just thinking logically.
  6. Didn't see the 'Just got in Far too drunk' Thread then Depending on how much you've had, i may make an exception.
  7. I think the 6ft6 giant in the Orange morphsuite should win this I was going to go as a cat, but in the end i opted to stay in, Drink vodka, eat chilli and watch x-factor. Whats that all about ?
  8. At 1st, yes. And now i still can't blow a bubble with Chewing gum but nothing more than that haha. Once you get used to it, it's exactly the same. When i 1st had mine done i contemplated taking it out because it was just akward for eating, drinking etc but i'm glad i didn't now that it's all healed, keeps me entertained when i'm bored Let us know how it goes And as always, pic or it didn't happen
  9. Had mine done about 4 years agoa and from what i can remember it was a pretty shit experience, although that may just be my memory clouding things.. Drinking was a pain because you're tongue swells alot and you can't move it the same as normal, it's all about re-training it from what i've heard/Read. Ohh, Avoid a fork at all costs for atleast a week. I've only had mine done 2/3 months now and it's all good, no problems with it atall. Edit: Reading through it seems as though i'm claiming to be a pro, not my intentions atall i'm just sharing with you my personaly experiences, other peoples way differ haah
  10. To be honest, the 2/3 weeks after aren't pleasent but they're not that bad really. I managed stuff like, Shepards pie, lasagne etc. Anything that doesn't require too much chewing is ok. Drinkings a problem if you're drinking out of the bottle haha. Worst part about having it done is the stuff they spray in your mouth, it made me heave haha, and the clamps aren't pleasent either, Much more pleasent than my lip though
  11. My lip was more painful to get pierced although my tongue was more of an inconvinience for a few weeks, very uncomfortable I found. Mine didn't hurt atall when i had it pierced, it was just the 3 weeks after that were pretty shit haha. They take abou5/10 minutes thourghly examining your tongue before doing it to make sure you're gonna be ok with it, or atleast they did mine
  12. Like i said though i'm in a bad mood so i'm probably overlooking the high points, there obviously was something to keep us teogether for 4 years. It's just deciding whether that 'thing' has been lost or not... Appreciate the advise guys
  13. It's none of them haha Hit me up on Msn or something if you're that interested
  14. Got abit of a thing For Mr Roth At the moment, Hmmm... Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  15. I'm just scared I'll start to feel for her again, and i don't want to. Is fanny worth the risk is the question :\
  16. Just spent 3 hours to her on Msn and half an hour on the phone, Basically talking about old times and how she thinks were going to get back together in a few years. What she means is, she's going to f**k around with countless other men, get wankered and do whatever the f**k she wants for a few months and when she gets bored and all the blokes have seen her for what she is, A stupid, arrogant, self obsessed alcoholic slapper that I'm just going to Say ' Hello baby, please take me back?'. Yeah, not f**king happening. Keeps telling me shes wants to come over and see me and stuff and how when she gets here we're basically gone have some great make up sexz and it'll all be ok. Then i was left with the moral dilemma; let her come over for a week or so, f**k the shit out of her and then tell her shes a worthless whore who i'd just been using like she had me. And tell her new boyfriend (Who, btw is a fanny thats screwed me over bigtime in this...) Or... Let her come over, see how i feel and then if i actually feel anything for her just see how things go and if theres anything we can do about it. Or.. Put my foot down and say no, not interested anymore and completely block her out from my life which will pretty much kill me to start with but i can't help but think it's for the best in the long run ? I'm swaying towards number one or 3 right now although i'm in a f**king shit mood and Angry at just about everything so maybe i should leave it til i've In a bit of a better mood. I know which ever i do, I'm going to regret eventually though. No idea why i've posted it, I'm bored as f**k and have nothing better to do on a friday night that tell you lot how much of a f**k up I am at times
  17. Adam-Griffin


    I know . Double post..
  18. Serisously, will you f**king marry me?
  19. Adam-Griffin


    He's sending him a christmas card
  20. The carrots always been dangling, i've just chosen not to take it. And now i'm almost questioning that.
  21. Just spoke my ex on the phone, Was sooo weird. Shes off to see her new boyfriend but wouldn't stop telling me how much she misses me and shit. I actually have no idea how i feel right now, it's an almost empty feeling.
  22. I thougt so, but can't help but think if i had then i'd remember it a better than i do. So, i'll say no. Just my opinion, i don't think the blue was a very nice colour, nor did i like the purple. Although, i happen to be a boring b*****d and think black looks sweet on anything.
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