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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. 'Hooded youth attacks elegeant gentleman for attempting to keep the peace' '6 feet under; The Jarod Mardell Story,'
  2. He's 'ard, he'll of fought them all off. Yeah, he's dead..
  3. Thats what i was getting it, I've only heard a few bad things about it, not enough to outweigh the Good points. I'm still using xp right now so should be an improvement...
  4. b*****d I came in here purely to post that haha I plan on sticking it on mine soon, heard only few bad things about it...
  5. Some of eminems older stuff, Stuff i've never even heard before. Awesommmeeszzzzzzz.
  6. Just reminded me i need to Dl series 6 of The real Hustle Taaaaa
  7. Some use you are... I jokes (A) After some research i'll be reet i thinkkkk... Anyway; Hello Lnc.
  8. New?! I was under the impression that was quite old by now... Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. It's not even that for me, Videos are playing fine, but when i tried to Embed that my last post (Deadmau5-remember...) It Embeded the Andain one again, checked that i'd wrote the code in right as well Weeiiiiirrrrdddd
  10. Well, I've downloaded 9.6Gb since last night, is that alot? Just realised this is the lnt haha, though it was the happy thread
  11. So in short, I'm all good? I'm a massive n00b when it comes to anything like this, suppose i shouldn't realllly be allowed near them with my lack of knowledge
  12. Today, I was introduced to torrents. I really don't fancy sleep right now either, wide awake
  13. Wait, did he kill someone who dressed up as a jew?
  14. I'm here too. My night nearly went to shit when i almost lost my golf partner, all is good now though
  15. **possible warn avoiding edit** I still meant what i said. Hash.
  16. f**k. I need that, nao. Off to google, Thanks love Anyone wanna join me seeing as i have no real friends?
  17. A rex Or, a week/2 weeks in spain...
  18. I did, but with a proper piercing needle Still a fuicking stupid idea but meh.
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