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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. It's shit. Just realised it's Half 3, thought it was much earlier that than; Maybe it's not going to be as long as i though. Then again, i've still got 4 hours to go...
  2. Bored as f**k, can't sleep and no one on msn seems to want to talk to me. This is going to be a long night.
  3. Thanks for that ,!! Your leos great, mines just a boring spotty pattern haha Banjos calmed down abit now hes settled in, not scratching get out anymore either haha! not eating asmuch either which is good, also likes being handled and been let loose in the house
  4. Thats vile, looks like someones got all there spare parts and chucked it all into a shitty heap. Despite how he rides it, thats just a mess.
  5. It's sweet, got the original saved if you insist on changing it back. Been a pretty good day really, managed to get an interview, and i'm not aching quite so much as i have been recently. Can't seem to find my Liabiltity insurance though but i'll live. Friday the 13th awesome.
  6. I'm not for a minute saying you're wrong because obviously everyones entitled to an opinion what i'm genuinly intereseted in what makes you say that? Despite what you think of him you can't deny he's done well for him self, i don't know anyone that hasn't heard of Eminem. Probably one of the richest rappers there is i reckon. I'm abit of a fanboy i suppose so my opinions obviously biased haha! Like i said not looking for an arguement here, just interested in your opinions, Might just be a case of he's not to your taste but i'm interested none the less haha
  7. That was indeed right! Taaaaaa I Love Eminem, one of the best of all time.
  8. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. I can think of other words haha. Soo, whats actually happening with T-uk? Theres been rumours flying around that it's closed down for good, Has a new owner, Dans running it illegally out of a shed in his garden etc etc but does anyone actuallly have an accurate and reliable idea of whats going on? Not that it really matters, if that stores lost all of it's credibility and trust from %90 of people anyway. Anyone silly enough to order from there knowing it's reputation deserves what they get.
  10. This threads slowly decending into a 'who can think of the funniest name and then bullshit that they know some one with that name' thread I'm out.
  11. Trials is illegal in Finland, so no one rides. Try Otn maybe...
  12. He changed his stance to look more intimidating. It was a waste of time, yes. But i have lots of time to waste
  13. Not at the same time i hope (A) Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  14. I'm not getting tied up in your bullshitzzz
  15. I had to consult urban dictionary for that one, upon doing so i'm rather dissapointed i didn't know what that meant already haha But yes, i agree!
  16. Only problem is you're about 4/5 months too late.
  17. Neither am i Or atleast i didn't think so haha...
  18. Come one, I have 16 hours in which to do nothing but trawl through facebook and post shit. Delete me if needs be, i didn't realise i was that bad haha Oh wait, you already have haha. I don't know how you dare say that, but then have Hannah on there. I post jack shit in comparison to her Also think you'll find you added me, actually. Ok so you havn't got hannah on there, well that blows my arguement out of the water straight away. I have no leg to stand on here...
  19. I'm downloading that now, Looks great! Never really had tha much interest in war films until lately, Watched Behind enemy line 1,2 and 3 yesterday; All of which are awesome. Got Bravo 2 Zero, Sniper 1 2 and 3, Black hawk down, Saving private ryan, band of brothers, we were soldiers, 633 squadron, shcindlers list and Thin red line downloading now, also just finished watching the pianist which was gooooooooooooooood. I r Obsessed
  20. I believe i've got both, if you want to add me to msn I can send them to you? Won't be on for an hour or so though I'm afraid. Address is on my profile
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