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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Is it your mission in life to go round and ruin the comedy and hilarity on every webpage or just tf? Just cause your jokes are shit doesn't mean you have to spoil it for others. Now leave, troll. I'll be getting mine a.. oh wait
  2. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  3. Funnyily enough i was thinking the same when i posted that, it used to be epic; loads of people posting some pretty interesting shit, now it's just bored children posting rubbish. That includes me. Lnc unite for a come back tour?
  4. Just checked to be sure but this is Trials-forum, not Msn Sorry about that champ.
  5. Lets be fair, it's only 6 weeks ago...
  6. It's the only time of the year where it's 'acceptable' to get shit faced at 9am on the 24th to 9am on the 27th so yes; I love Christmas.
  7. Mate of mine: Jammy b*****d
  8. Pearson was on fire, absolutely dominated him throught the fight. Just remembered the Andre winner knockout, Impressive me thinks. Thats shit Really want to See Carwin in action aswell as Lesnar. I'd quite like to see Carwin against Frank mir actually, seems like it could be an interesting match up. Infact, i just want to see Carwin fight haha, i almost orgasm when he's in full mount and bashing the f**k out of someone On an un-related note, does anyone know whats happening with Lidell? I've heard different stories from different sites, some saying he's retiring and others saying he's making a return next year, even heard some that theres a chance he'd going to get a Shot at Lyoto for the title (Which, btw should be long to shogun ) I think he's got a few fights left in him before retirement personally; Dana's not so sure though lol. Pretty random but one of my favourite ends to a bout ever : Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. That was impressive! Never seen that arm snap before, very brutal indeeeeed. I suppose you've seen the famous leg snap video ? I've just re-watched the Sylvia Vs Mir fight again, the 1st time i saw i didn't notice the break and was pissed off it had ended so early because i genuinly didn't think it was broken, i can't help but think if his arm HAD broke, he'd know about it and he didn't even realise haha. Felt a tool when i read a few days later it had been broken in 2 places and had required screws haha. One of the Beuties of spectating mma is you see a submission hold and more often than not it doesn't look that painful when in reality, it's excruciating Gotta love a good breakage now and again, so long as you're not the one receiving it lol. On an unrelated note; How do you post a .gif? I've never managed to do it before haha :$
  10. Good point, forgot that one Watching a submission artist in action can be almost awe inspiring, you sit there and just think 'How the f**k?' Sometimes haha. Nogueras astounding to watch in action, as is Frank Mir i find. That arm bar against Tim Sylvia was just amazing... ... Until his arm snapped
  11. Again it all depends really on the fighters background and style, Brock lesnar for example comes from a wrestling back ground and prefers to fight on the ground, being 6ft"3 and 265lbs it's easier to control an opponent on the ground and his stand up striking isn't great but then Mirko cro cop for example has some frighteningly brutal head kicks and fists so when hes on the ground his game is flawed. The best fights tend to be a mix of ground fighting and stand up in my opinion. It think the heavyweight division is more divided in terms of styles than any other division because there can be a massive weight difference in fighters. I believe this is a 'catchweight' fight As seths 204lbs which would be Light heavyweight, i think. But it just goes to show that size means jack shit. Youtube Video -> Original Video This is completely un-related to the above but i thought it was pretty amazing, i imagine some of you will have seen it already but still: Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  12. Yes, Lots. Cotoure vs Vera didn't go to the ground atall i don't think? It all depends on the fighters styels really, some don't go to the ground atall, some spend %90 of the round on the ground. Some fighters prefer to stay on there feet and punch it out and some don't. Thats one of the things that differentiates it from Boxing/Kick boxing really, it's a mix of all sorts of disciplines and every fight/fighter is different.
  13. Mmaforum should have it somewhere, there normally pretty shit hot I also stumbled across it on wikipedia last night haha But gutted realllly. I was under the impression that Lesnar-Carwin had been postponed until 108 on the 6th of January? That'd be an awesome fight, Lesnars pretty awesome but Carwin has a very impressive ground game, one of the best in ufc imo. Carwin Vs Valasques would be quite interesting too though, think Carwin would win though personally where as i wouldn't like to pick either way for Lesnar-Carwin. Despite Brocks attitude and the way he comes across in recent fights i really like him haha :$ He's training is second to none and his fitness is unquestionable, i think if he improved his stand up and tweaked a few other aspects he could be, the Next big thing Deffinatly one of my favourite fighters however much i hate to admit it haha. Can't argue with you that Hardys impressive and has potentiol to be big in the welterweight division but i just can't see him beating Gsp, having said that i'm a bit of a Gsp fan boy so my opinions probably pretty biased haha. I'm more than willing to be proved wrong. Either way though i think it should prove a very close fand entertaining fight, think it will either be stopped in round 1 or will go the distance for some reason too haha Anyone have any predictions for Ortiz Vs Griffin? My moneys on Griffin in the 1st or 3rd round with some kind of submission. Ortiz is very good, or was very good but his recent fights have been pretty dissapointing in my opinion and i think Griffins on a roll recently, again i'm more than willing to be proved wrong but i just can't see it haha Another link that might be useful for anyone interested: MMA Fights - MMA Video Links | UFC, Pride, Affliction, StrikeForce, Dream MMA Videos, and More To me, this is the holw grail haha. Just about every Ufc/K1/Pride/Strike force etc fight video for most fighters is on there, It's the most viewed site in my bookmarks haha I <3 Ufc/Mma...
  14. Paddy and mick are walking down the street, paddy says to mick if you can guess how many donuts are in this bag, you can have both of them.. What do you call a a black pilot? My friend is in a wheelchair, so I gave him a chainsaw, wrapped him in tinfoil and sent him on Robot Wars. But seriously - he's dead now..
  15. Yeah deffinatly should have gone the distance! I was kinda pissed off about that actually. One thing about Nelson that stuck out to me and made me think 'You arrogant wanker' Was when he Beat slice and then expected the guy to pour water in his mouth Ok so you won, that doesn't mean you get a f**king slave you fat fanny. I think Kimbos one of the worst on the team actually, put against just about anyone else i think nelson would have got his arse handed to him, like you said he's just a fat arrogant cunt that should have quit a long time aga, series is pretty dissapointing really, no one on either side really sticks out to me with potentiol to be 'big' in the heavweight division, theres much better fighters.
  16. Anyone watch 105? Might be an idea to use spoilers, Kev hasn't watched yet 106 next week Gutted that the Lesnar-Carwin bouts being delayed Was looking forward to that. Ortiz Vs griffin should still be pretty entertaining though.
  17. Pussy. It's probably for the best really, I'm sure i'd get more pleaseure out of the £10er than i would knowing you'd stayed up for another 4 hours. In other news: I'm still bored as shit.
  18. What makes you say that ? £10er says you can't go til 8. Manage it and i'll actually send you £10er, promise.
  19. I know Always have been, always will be Or atleast i like to think so, don't tell anyone other wise and ruin my 'street cred'
  20. I told you quite clearly before you even made it not to eat it but you didn't listen so it's your own fault, i don't care if you have to have surgery to have it removed, serves you right %100 (A)
  21. I know Brought it all on your self though, as i told you
  22. Well i told you not to eat it but nooooo, hannah knows best. You deserve everything you get Tempted to go on audiosurf for a bit but my eyes are stinging haha.
  23. And we both know what happens when you get the popcorn out
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