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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Why do downloads go soo much slower when you watch them?
  2. Certain people taking certain things the wrong way and then ripping the piss out of them for hours to come.
  3. I use Chrsitmas stockings instead of socks But no, I'm not. However if i don't get interest soon then i may have to cancel my order so be quick guiz!
  4. Hmmm, I've never taken on that sort of case before so i'd have to look into the legal side of things before hand i think. I can offer all those interested a free trial though, Just Pm me your adress' and send a small Donation by paypal to me to cover the cost of baggies and postage.
  5. I can offer both, on a no win no fee basis.
  6. I'll consider it, but what do i get in return? Nothing?
  7. It is indeeeed, can't even find anything on vision worth watching Time for a film, or, more music and msnz. Maybe even some Audiosurf
  8. Yes. He also answers to Yep, Yeah, Ja, Mhm and occasionally a swift nod of the head will do it.
  9. Well, acording to my Satnav it's about 145 miles across, is that ok for you? Even so i'd still have to come over and sort Jeff as i doubt he can stretch the distance
  10. Awesome, no point in making any plans until we've heard back from Jeff; It might pay to wait, and get you and him over with at the same time to save on Petrol/Ferry costs.
  11. Is that an offer, or a statement?
  12. It's interesting actually! I suppose it's all to do with your surroundings, friends, social life etc. Although having said that i'd imagine some of it is to do with genetics and stuff. Meh, might be wrong.
  13. No worries buddy, you weren't to know Have to catch me on msn sometime, have a catch up I do agree with you, medication can only do so much for it, alot of it's down to the person taking it. I have some shit days but i did when i was on the medication so no change really, It gives you a feeling of independence coming off it aswell.
  14. I've been on various different ones in the last 3 years, i was on a concoction of about 11 a day the middle of this yea. I stopped taking them a few months ago for personal reasons, you do notice the difference when you come off them but shit happens and lifes a bitch so you get over it.
  15. I just stay in and feel sorry for myself.
  16. One day, i hope to be alone and have my wicked way with this thread.
  17. I'm not alone, am i? Edit: Guess not, i can see you reading Endohopper ...
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