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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Makes the Tanks available What is this, 21 questions?
  2. On the Island, on a little sign? AMMIRITE!?
  3. This is either going to be a massive win or a massive fail, i have my reservations as to which i think it will be Basic format: Gender: Height: Weight: Hair colour: Eye colour: Race: religous beliefs/If any: Rough body shape: Age group: Smoker/Non smoker/Either: Alcohol consumption: Accent: (might be silly but i couldn't spend the rest of my life with someone whos got a f**king irritating accent) Level of education/Intelligence: Level of ambition: What quality must this person have: What quality must this person not have: His/her opinion of an ideal future: Personality: Anything else you'd care to add: Bike ridden: Don't post if you're just going to say 'My girl/boyfriends perfect and theirs nothing i'd change' cause no ones perfect and no matter what you say, theres always room for improvement I'll wait for a few replies before i add mine, incase you all think I'm weird
  4. I know i know It's been on sickipedia for years aswell, and Fish used it as his version of 'Hello' for a while
  5. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  6. Pics of said stool or it didn't happen.
  7. I now hast minor toothache. Time for more painkillers..
  8. Omgz so sorreeee. I just made ricicles Farrrr too much sugar, well and truely f**ked them
  9. What, like you were last night ?
  10. You've got to go into that dingy dirty cold f**king attic to get some shitty 5 year old decorations out so you can look like very other generic house on the f**king street. Everywhere starts doing offers oN celebrations/Roses/Quality street etc and When Beers 3 cases for £20 at most super markets. Christmas is alllll about the booze. From the 18th of december to the 1st of january i plan to spend approximatly 93% of that time shitfaced. The other 7% will be spent mildly intoxicated, asleep and eating.
  11. Think he does, yahh. I've got loads of pics of my bikes somewhere, just not sure where .
  12. Suprised no ones thought of June Brown yet ... ..I contemplated it, but i think Maddies a safe bet; I can off her on the 1st and win straight away.
  13. Roses are red Violets are blue I have a knife now get in the van.
  14. Yeah I'l deffinatly watch out if i do; I've got 2 Vivs at the minute, one for Banjo and One for Lizzie but I'm having another 2 built at the moment so I'll probably house them together at first and watch them closely, see how they get on and if they start fighting I'll house them seperately. Upto about 5ft sometimes aren't they I just don't have the space at the minute for it, and it's going to be difficult enough to convinve the army to let me have Banjo, never mind a Monitor I looked into turtles/tortoises/terrapins last month, I like the idea of them but i think i'd get pretty bored after a while and that wouldn'tbe fair on it. I'm still considering it though .
  15. I'd be game if it was a rickroll or something, as it stands, either can win for me and i wouldn't give a f**k.
  16. Couldn't house them together Plus, there not half as enterntaining as beardies, nor would they be able to breed I did consider it and was pretty tempted as I've heard they makle pretty good pets but i decided against it, and it's in Bedford which is a fair way to go. My mum'd hate it too Shes not a massive fan of banjo
  17. Thats awesome I'm considering another beardie, Banjos all lonely
  18. I'll go with Maddie Via Brutalisation or Autoerotic asphixyation.
  19. Might go watch wicked sick skin 'ed ross kemp talking to some gangstas...
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