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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Adam-Griffin


    Explain that one, please?
  2. Well that was a waste of time, nothing worth taking out of there to keep for the sake of it.
  3. I'm sat here trying to take a freeview box apart but i can only seem to find one screw, and it won't come un-done My lifes sooo hard.
  4. Wait, you drive don't you ?! Cheater
  5. I'm tempted to walk to tescos for some super noodles but it's nearly 2 miles. Think the Naafis closed Question is; How hungry am i?
  6. Guessing y'all are snow watching/wanking?
  7. Adam-Griffin


    Ok I was wrong, it wasn't snow. Just really gay Hail/Sleet
  8. Isn't Guernsey closer to France though haha?
  9. Adam-Griffin


    It's started about half an hour ago now, started to settle aswell
  10. Adam-Griffin


    Althought Thats from a few weeks ago, it's not snowing here yet I doubt it will for a while; If atall.
  11. Haha, awesome. How did I miss that for 3 years ? Thanks .
  12. Nice idea, not going to happen though I'm afraid.
  13. I'm typing this out purely to see if my new spell checkers working, whilst I'm at it I might as well post it though I suppose. Looks ok to me Do most spell checkers underline grammatical errors too? Seems it wants to change 'ok' to 'OK'. Damn yanks.. Edit: Yeah, cunting thing wants to change 'Colour' To color aswell And it underlines diet and tells me it's wrong.
  14. I know I just like to have all my add-ons upto date and toolbars/Tab colours/personas all looking nice and fancy You obviously havn't got half as much shit as i did then It just took me nearly 3 hours to completely sort. What spell checker are we all using? I'm fed up of making stupid mistakes haha. Also, I've been on this forum for nearly 3 years and still havn't got a f**king clue how to quote more than one person at a time
  15. Deleted a load of shit of my computer, updated all my colour schemes, add-ons and personal options etc. Much better now
  16. This is mainly aimed at Tom/Ed/Dave or people who have experience with Beardies; I noticed last week his 3rd toe on his front, left foot is really swollen and orangey, as is the back 2nd right one and he kind of flinchs when you stroke it and pulls it away from you. He doesn't seem to have any trouble walking on it or anything though. I'm just wondering if this is a common problem or is it serisous? I don't mind taking him to a vet/specialist atall if it's a big issue but i'd obviously prefer not to unless i have to. I can get a photo if needs be. I've also noticed that the big back toe on the left, where the nail is it's crooked Like, instead of pointing down it almost points outwards to the left handside. Have i just got a broken dragon ? I've looked on various forums and caresheets but can't seem to find anything specific to this, any help is REALLY appreciated, i'm starting to worry about him now
  17. f**k rage against, i'm going with this for X-mas Number 1: Youtube Video -> Original Video
  18. What you need to realise is, everytime you f**k me over with him, you're also f**king yourself over.
  19. I'm was going to start the cornflake diet but decided not to today, I'll start tomorow. I attempted to cook waffles and sausage but stupidly put them both on the same tray and had grease soaked waffles and f**ked sausages, suffice to say i didn't eat it.
  20. I'm soooo f**king hungry it's untrue.
  21. I'm game for this, also happen to have a fair bit of spare time on my hands so often trawl through pages of shit for something interesting to read. Just and idea, but split it into sections of Useful info/Lolworthy etc and then when posting a link, name it so it's not just www.trialsforum.co.uk/312buripb 4kl3jewgbnfvcref////fdsg or something? I seem to remember the Cider Vs Guiness thread was rather amusing, as were alot of the North vs South Tgs bashing threads, however i can't help but think that if alot of topics are brought back up, if they were closed because of arguing may spill over into here and it'll end up in the same state the thread did, if that makes sense ?
  22. Can i opt for the External version, please?
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