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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Brother got it for Christmas, won't stop nagging me to play it with him
  2. Does indeedth Link meh up ont messenz
  3. I spotted it on facebook the other day, i thought i'd heard the name before though but wasn't so sure.
  4. Ahhh spotted that the other day, didn't click that it was anything to do with you I'll add it in a sec Change of plan from Oceans, Beer, La roux and a fine young lady will suffice Youtube Video -> Original Video
  5. New laptop, new phone, wireless headphones, shit load of books/dvds/deoderant/normal christmas stuff and £200. Good haul this year
  6. Ok so he was telling the truth, some very nice ladies doing some very nice things(Y)
  7. Bull. Shit. You know the rules. I sat here in this: Had a few interesting conversations with people of a similar appearance
  8. Tetris + Audio surf All you need
  9. I can see you reading Post, I dare you...
  10. I don't understand the relevance to this topic but that doesn't matter, that picture is by far one of the funniest on the Internet. I laugh every time i see it. So, it is Christmas eve, amirite?
  11. Discuss; Is this factually correct?
  12. I'm actually feeling rather tired, but i know as soon as i get in bed i won't be tired
  13. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  14. My Grandma does the same She basically sits in on meetings and types things out as it's spoken, yet shes has a mobile for nearly 8 years and still doesn't know how to send a texttttt.
  15. Adam-Griffin


    When i lived in Germany we used to get a colossal amount every year, nothing changed though lol. Public transport was always still on and everyone went to work. I guess it's because we're so un prepared for it where as the Germans/French/etc are ready for it and it's not such a biggie Still havn't had my share, forecast keeps changing tooooo
  16. I needed to order mine the other day but i asked in rsq, dear.
  17. Print screen key then paste it into paint or something and then save it?
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