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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. You just assume i have nothing better to do on my nights than stay up and post shit on a bike forum? Wow, You're good
  2. Not until 2, despite the hours you've managed to keep
  3. You should Pm the admin for a name change, it'd be awesome to say i use the same forum as Jesus
  4. Meh, all the cool kids do. My dream is to one day find me a wife that is able to do the same, is it just me or a women f**king awful at staying up past 11?! In unrelated news, he headphones i was about to package back up and take back because sound was only coming from one ear are now fixed; Turns out i'd fiddled with the volume control so sound only came from the left ear. Wow, do i feel silly. Not as silly as i'd feel if i'd taken them back, they'd been sent to head office and then someone had tested them to find in actual fact theirs f**k all wrong with them.
  5. I'll stick to hello in future then I often get migraines, although not as often now as i did 6 months or so ago. I was advised to drink more water by my doctor and it really helps i find. I normally get through between 10-12 pints a day and the difference it makes is amazing. I used to get them almost everyday and they were unbearable where as now i get them 2/3 times a week and whilst still painful they aren't half as bad as they used to be
  6. I wouldn't joke about something as serious as this buddy It's not fair to joke when an animals life is in the balance. The cat may find it more arousing and stimulating if you have no socks on, therfore decreasing the intercourse time and allowing you to get to sleep quicker. I might be able to find you out some links to forums and stuff about it, it's pretty common practice and i thought it was common knowledge amongst cat owner-obviously not. Best of luck, send my best wishes to your cat
  7. Mine died for this exact reason and it destroyed me which is why i'm trying to help you here, i wouldn't want anyone to go through what i did with mine You should only ever be a receiver, never a giver when it comes to cats. The anatomy is just wrong for that, but please Do trust me on this, i'd hate for you to lose a pet like i did Good luck buddy, let me know how you get on with it Hope i've helped
  8. If he does then clean it up, make sure you dispose of it properly though, if neighbouring cats smell it they may rip open the bin bags and initiate sex with your rubbish. So what if someone walks in ? It's only natural, most decent owners do it, apparently it helps make a stronger bond between pet and owner.
  9. Wikipedia link for you buddy Just ignore the fags on here taking the piss, it's a serious issue and i completely see where you're coming from
  10. You need to encourage him and allow him to reach climax, after that he should stop doing it Hope that helps
  11. Banjos just finished shedding his face/beard I can't believe how much it's brought his colour out! Normally, hes reallly pale with a little bit of orange around his ear and a little patch by his eyes but now it's really distinctive I'm amazed at how big hes getting too actually, hes grown almost 4"s in the time that i've had him and hes already bigger than whats considered average for beardies
  12. I seem to have replaced the habit of smoking by doubling my coffee intake, i've had 18 today. I'm bouncing off the walls here.
  13. Adam-Griffin


    So the plane takes off?
  14. You hast Pm Another odd ball, I watched a documentary about him not so long ago as well. When you read different accounts of it, alot of it's pretty inconsistent from story to story so it's hard to say what is and isn't true. Can i also point out, Harold Shipman was from Nottingham
  15. Just read about him, hes a strange one too. Although, when you read some of the Bundys a pussy
  16. Ed Geins and interesting one, as Is The Zodiac Killer and 'Son of Sam' Americans/Brits seem to be the most interesting ones, All the Russians seem to do is lop of there heads and f**k the corpses.
  17. You're telling me. Mega interesting though, i can waste hours and hours reading about some of these sick f**ks.
  18. I've developed an obsession with serial killers and criminology recently, it's keeping me up.
  19. Mega. Can i come and live with you please ?!
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