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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. use the wiki im sure there ill be atleast 1 guide in there ! Adam
  2. 9.3kg , not sure what that is in thingy lol Adam
  3. I'm so glad I learnt to spell...
  4. lush....nothing more needs to be said Adam
  5. I think there gay , i cant reconise any one on the forum now as they have all changed there pics "! Adam
  6. I know 3 people that own one , if i was to move to stock id have it ! Adam
  7. im gonna take a wild guess and say either russia or iceland Adam
  8. I think popeye has alot of competition lol any way you're either really fat or you need to be a hell of alot smoother Adam
  9. On average this happens about once a day and its always the same routine : a new member made a topic asking to buy or sell some thing some proper memebers have a go at him and then automod appears dont get me wrong its funny as f*k lol Adam P.S no selling/buying in newmembers
  10. Im sure he feels alot better now then ! did you help him in any way possible ? Adam
  11. As far as i know if your from cuba , italy or jamaica once youve steped on US soil youre an american citizen but im not quite sure its the same for britain although you could say youra jamaican man lol Adam
  12. link works for me but i think you could get it cheaper really but it is cheap Adam
  13. That was abit of a pointless post any way back on topic if you search the wiki you'lle find a guide on this ! Adam
  14. Sorry if its no help but i couldent think of anything nice to say lol Adam
  15. Run the tyres with helium *** ! Adam
  16. I'v just got bored of trying to reason with you .....REPORTED!
  17. And who in the right mind would buy of a new memeber ?!until you've been validated theres no reason for any one to trust you ! Adam
  18. If i had a Pound for every time i see a NM trying to sell i'd be a very rich man ! no selling in NMC ! Adam !
  19. wow thats lush , i prefer it to the monty Adam
  20. if it was a monsterboy it would look shithot but its not lol dont get me wrong it still loks nice but it could lok nicer ! Adam
  21. nitromorse normally works quite well lol Adam
  22. oh my god i read the title and thought you meant your bike was a shed with a catflap lol nice bike mate Adam
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