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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Got a crank extractor forsale if your intrested ? Adam
  2. And? you dont need to tell evry body im sure we will find out sooner or later ? Adam
  3. I'v got one of these, £5 plus p+p if your intrested add em to msn >? Adam
  4. Some how i dont think so as deng makes like 5 different brands of bike and ZHI on;y does ZhI and bionic Adam
  5. Surely this is some kind of sick joke lol ? Adam
  6. Brilliant idea i might ber intrested lol Adam
  7. He only looks about 5 he probably hasnt even got anyballs! Adam
  8. thats absolutly disgusting! i personally hate the camel thing but this just tops it all of lol Adam
  9. Is the geomotry on this the same as the T-pro ? Nice bike anyway ! Adam
  10. "20 but then again i havent actually rode a decent specced stock lol Adam
  11. WTF im not actually sure if this is a wanted topic or not if it is this kid needs banning ALL of his post or selling something or asking for something ! Adamm
  12. There ok but on the other hand the onza bars are'nt all that bad i wouldent upgrade personally but its up to you ! Adam
  13. Spelling allways helps to get validated and for god sake dont make a for sale/wanted topic any way welcome to the forum Adam
  14. Adam-Griffin

    Zhi News

    So basically ZHI are similar to onza with cheap competitive prices yet decent specced components and does the bionic bike come in mod or just stock ? Adam
  15. oh my god my girlfriends cousin sold that car last week lol ! Adam
  16. the "17" is the diamater around the wheel the "55" is the percentage of the tyre that makes up the sidewall and then the "75! is the width of the tyre its self Adam P.S all numbers in "" are just examples and i hope this is what you ment lol
  17. Thats really detailed but im slightly offended that theres so many different types of stock described but yet only one paragraph about mods!!! Adam
  18. Nice and simple,l i like it Adam
  19. Adam-Griffin


    Fart in a bag and "claim" its the queens or sell a sainsburies bag on ebay, i shit you not they rake in the money a saw one gor for £58 and then £18 postage!!!! Adam
  20. oh my god the sex! , quick question why did deng choose to name this just czar ? hes named all the differnt echo , zoo! , GU and adament bikes ? Adam
  21. it looks the dogs .....ears lush mate ! Adam
  22. i believe tensile do a 22t one which i suppose would be ok for street Adam
  23. Am i just being a n00b or does any one else know what DOB is?
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