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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Thats probably it then but i cant go round a corner as sharp as i normally would and stuff like that, there a hell of a lot lighter than the onza ones though !
  2. just had a look and i did fit it so what else could it be ?> Adam
  3. She has 3 and a super stump !
  4. That could explain it haha ! cheers, feel like a right noob now !
  5. Its a monty bike trial and iv had it about a year lol, just cant afford a new one and the other tyres i have are "20 not "19 lol i hope i get used to it got i cant afford another set of forks lol! Adam
  6. I went from some onza ones lol and its the rear one thats going lol Adam
  7. Right just fitted my echo lites and the steering on my bike is really shit compared to how it was, any tips ? also i keep getting a puncture in my rear tyre for some reason is there anyway to prevent this as i cant be arsed to reapir it and im going throug 2-3 new tubes a week ! Adam
  8. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryAmazing seller ! is waiting almost a month for the other half of payment A******* would defenatly deal with again !!! Given By: adamgriffin3 You were the: Seller Date: 1191151242
  9. If its just the lugs you're after i have some you can have ? Adam
  10. okey dokey if its not broken by then lol Adam
  11. T-pro's are pretty good for beginnners and so are t-birds but then when you get better you need to upgrade, id advise get something deng if money isnt an object and then you wont need to change anything untill it breaks Adam
  12. The word "chav" springs to mind
  13. Was that you ! oh my god iv actually still got the BB lol do you want it back ? cheers again btw haha Adam
  14. Try a tensile or an eno as acs claws dont usually last very long and dicta is a big no no !
  15. Any one remember my T-mag from the DJ ride LMAO, T-pro ***! Adam
  16. Not necceserally true vee's often are better than disk's/maguras but not all the time, my vee isnt half as good as my mates disk !
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