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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Some people favour it, some dont as its easier to catch the rotor and render the brake useless, its personall preference really. I would get a magura/dengura on the rear as i personally dont really like the feel of a rear disk but its up to you really Adam
  2. I spent hours looking for a difference anmd couldnt find 1 :$
  3. Jesus christ, you claim to be nearly as old as my dad and your acting like a 5 year old ? if you dont like the validation system then f**k offk, most people here have had to go through it and not complained why should you be any different because you older ? you may be older than most members but you certainly arent as mature !
  4. Bribe an admin with naked pics, i can see you and poopipe are going to be good friends Adam
  5. I feel a warn coming on, i think i may have a rather large bmx chain in my shed somewhere ill have a look if you want ? Adam
  6. As far as i am aware they are the very similar power wise but however the BB7 has more modulation and adjustability than the BB5 Adam
  7. The "warn" thingy is just incase you are warned by an administrator/mod i think but its not just you that has one, everyone does but you can only see your own i think Adam
  8. Whats the spec ? also how much and what kind of condition is it in ? Adam
  9. I realised this morning that my goldfish looked really lonely on its own so i decided to buy another 2. But thats not enough i want loaaaaaaaaads so the question is how do i make them have babies and are goldfish males and females or are they hermaphrodites (SP?) ?and if any one has suggestions for names feel free to sugeest lol sorry about the weirdness of the topic btw Adam
  10. i'm after a short though really, something nice and flicky, any more reviews ? Adam
  11. does any one know the geo ? Adam
  12. Fancy buying me one and shipping it over and i pay you lol Adam
  13. Did you use a rear disk atall? if so how was that and did it snap like the maggy mount ? Adam BTW thanks for all the info
  14. They look really nice but from what you're telling me its a no go ? Adam
  15. Will be putting a rear disk on it sothe maggy mounts arnt a problemdont suppose you still have yours do you ? adam
  16. Dont really like the look of monties and im not on that much of a budget, any one else lol ? Adam
  17. f**k me wasnt expecting that much any other frames that are short and not quite as expensive lol
  18. lets just say its too long lol and have you ridden one ? how much would a second hand one be roughly? Adam
  19. I'm thinking of buying a ciguena frame for christmas so i just thought i'd get some opinions before hand suchas how's the geo and strenghth of the frame and in perticular how are the dropouts and rear disk mount ? Cheers Adam
  20. Can you get some thinner handle bars ans chop them down and slot them in ? i have a vice if yopu wanna borrow it lol Adam
  21. You can get evolution mounts and then they would but its easier buying a new frame
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