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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Me think's wrong thread mate :$
  2. Where would one get a photoshop program ? is it free?
  3. http://tandem-fahren.de/Mitglieder/Christo...HS-66_klein.jpg You not have google ? adn there shit for trials
  4. LOOL could of been put better, was in a rush
  5. The riding's probably because monty's are more mainstream than deng frames and monty's are more natrual orientated where as deng frames are used more for street riding, i thinik
  6. Can't personally help you cause i can't sidehop either but this may help: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Sidehop
  7. thought you were takin the piss haha
  8. Sky's been cut off and i need to find something that wont look too conspicous on the search bar as im on my mum's pc, and you tubes shit ! iv got some that joe rothwell sent me but for some reasdon its justy not doing it for me
  9. Can't find no decent porn on the net
  10. Never seen them before in my life, good find, give it a try and report back?
  11. OMFG that was funny as fu*K put it in the boti, not sure it was the time or the place but my god it was funny
  12. we have many people on the forum, ranging from real people- noobs
  13. Ur so hard, i wouldnt dare do that, god i respect you so much for swearing!
  14. 8 viewers, 42 posts, 2 pages and 2 people that dont know the rules.
  15. Maybe, but atleast he's an idiot that know's the rules un like you 2!
  16. You're opinion, put it to tomturd and danny and because one premember has spoken im sure they will change the rules
  17. If you're reffering to me then i was simply trying to help you avoid a warning but it seems it's too late for that...........
  18. I was talking about the gay video mate
  19. Why are you digging out old topics and writing replies that people have already awnsered!
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