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Everything posted by Adam-Griffin

  1. Good spelling and punctuation, and not starting topic's like this.
  2. Max, catch me on MSN, maybe able to help you
  3. http://www.emhart.com/products/helicoil.as...CFQuuQwodnlhj_g Any good ?
  4. You expect help with an attitude like that ? and as far asi can see no one has gone off topic
  5. 1999/2000 onza T-bird , still got the frame in my garden haha !
  6. Holy shit, you're pretty good! that adaptor looks pretty stable aswell, wish i had the money, time and energy to make one lol
  7. Just a guess, i assume they wont charge more just for a rear disk mount
  8. Then most of the frames listed would be useless, most of them are pretty long, even the short models are rather long, best bet would be ride some amtes frames and see what you feel comfoprtable with
  9. Be more specific as to what you're looking for, comparing a ciguena to something like a python is ridicoulous, python's are long and ciguenas are unbelieveably short, you're lloking for a frame specificly for the rear disk mount rather than for good geometory which will matter more in the long run...
  10. £229.00 I would have thought, same as the 06 ones did
  11. That will be the worst mistake you will ever make, bodging a BB m,akes it 100x worse ! ring tarty, im sure they will know what size it is
  12. If you actually read what he said he said that middleburn crank's look silly on mod's not mod's in general so you sir are the dick, oh and "Hope i helped" wont get you validated any quicker
  13. Take it back to where ever you bought it from, assuming you didnt buy it second hand, thats just plain stupid
  14. No you don't, they come in Square taper aswell
  15. Pendulum are great ! Nice little video, as said before qualities pretty shit
  16. You need a crank arm extractor and if you follow this guide it should be pretty easy http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Removing_cranks
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